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"happiness come in every shape & size...including bumblebees,"


MUCH LIKE THAT DAY AT THE ART GALLERY, THE ATMOSPHERE WENT FROM BEING AWKWARD TO COMFORTABLE IN A MATTER OF MINUTES. They were still blushing every five minutes when their eyes met, but were accompanied by soft smiles and subtle touches. Jae supplied most of the entertainment while Yoongi and Jimin enjoyed each other's company, holding hands and trailing behind the little girl as she zigzagged from one tank to another. Jae was in awe at everything she saw. As a four year old, there was just so much for her to take in, so many things to see. She didn't know where to start.

Jimin could see the happiness in his daughter's eyes as Yoongi took her through the shark exhibit, sprouting off different facts about them. He could see the happiness in her smile and hear it in her laugh.

Jimin didn't want to cry but his emotions were getting the best of him. Watching Yoongi with Jae made his heart swell.

Yoongi was patient with her and allowed Jae to frantically drag him from one exhibit to another in excitement. This was her first time in an aquarium, and was consumed with curiosity and the need to explore as much as possible. Not once did Yoongi get bored, not once did he sigh in annoyance or give her a look that said he was tired. He listened attentively when she talked. Jae had his full attention. With the exception of Hwan, Yoongi engaged with her in a way no other man had, and Jimin fell in love with him more with every passing second. Yoongi cared about Jae just as much as he did. He could see it in his actions. Jimin was amazed at how great he was with kids.

They had found themselves in the Jellyfish exhibit. Jae was also over the place, torn between wanting to see the piranhas and the jellyfish, but as soon as she saw the ghostly creatures swimming by she was off again.

Jimin leaned against his side. "She loves you," Jimin whispered to him as they stood in front of the large glass tank. The hallway was almost completely dark, dimly lit only by the various shades of blue lights and the ethereal glow coming from the water. The jellyfish themselves looked like ghosts as they floated past calmly. They looked so peaceful as they passed, and Jae placed her hands on the glass, fingers splayed out across the tank.

Yoongi turned his head slowly in Jimin's direction but kept his eyes on Jae. She seemed to be mesmerized by the creatures and honestly, so was he. They were captivating to watch. "Hmm?"

"Jae, she loves you," Jimin repeated and now he has Yoongi's full attention. Jimin is still looking at Jae. "I've never seen her like this before. I mean, she gets like this with Hwan or Taehyung but that's different, they've been around since she was a baby. You're different, she's only known you a few months but she adores you Yoongi. You make her so happy," Jimin rambled. His gaze flickered up to him. "She's so excited, I can see it in the way she talks to you, and you listen. I mean really listen to her. Most men wouldn't have the patience to sit and engage in a conversation with her but you...you left her drag you around for hours and you didn't complain once or get annoyed,"

Yoongi frowned.

"Do people not like her?" he questioned, tilting his head at Jimin. Jimin let out a heavy sigh and glanced back at his daughter.

"It's not that they don't like her, it's just that most of the men I tried dating found her to be too energetic. She's four though, kids typically have a lot of energy," Jimin explained. "And part of it is because most of the guys weren't really cool with me having a kid in the first place, or they were but it became too much. Most of the time people want to hook up and if it goes anywhere serious, they have to know that Jae comes first. She always will because she's my child. I can't just put her on the back burner like I can with other issues, that isn't how life works. That's just the hard part about being a single parent though, people like the single part, but not the parent part,"

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