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"new beginnings,"



Jungkook rolled his eyes. Of course Taehyung had been thinking. Taehyung did a lot of thinking nowadays.

"About what?" he prompted, not looking up from his task. He was in the middle of washing dishes. Taehyung paid no attention to Jungkook's response, and instead smiled like an idiot as he came out of the bathroom. He did this on purpose knowing Jungkook would respond. Taehyung liked knowing that whenever he asked Jungkook a question, he would respond without hesitation. Ever since he'd opened up, Jungkook was doing a lot better. He was a lot more open and vocal with Taehyung. He was more confident now that there wasn't anything holding him back. He spoke out more in class - which not only shocked his teacher, but himself too. And Taehyung would never get tired of hearing his voice.

Jungkook peered over his shoulder, halting his actions. He cocked an eyebrow in his direction, and for a moment, he was distracted by Taehyung in his sweats, he'd just come out of the shower. He could smell his mango shampoo from where he stood. "Taehyung?"

Taehyung's heart skipped a beat. He'd never get tired of hearing that. He was still smiling almost creepily at him. Jungkook let out a deep chuckle that sent shivers down his spine. "Baby? Are you gonna tell me or not?"

Taehyung sauntered up to the younger as he dried his hands. Taehyung's hands found his waist, pulling him closer. Jungkook's arms found their way around his neck, and Taehyung planted a firm, yet loving kiss to his lips. "I'm just thinking about how much I love, and how the sound of your voice is absolute music to my ears," he told him, earning yet another eye roll from him as his face turned red.


"God I love the way you say my name,"

Jungkook went even redder as he cupped the sides of Taehyung's face. "Taehyungie," he repeated, nudging his nose against his. Taehyung's mind went blank. This isn't how he expected this conversation to go - well, he had, he knew it would work Jungkook up if he praised his voice, but he really did have to talk to him about something.

"You're so fucking perfect," he mumbled, kissing him again. "But in all seriousness, I have been thinking about something, and I did want to talk to you about it," he added, turning from cheesy to serious.

"What have you been thinking about?" Jungkook questioned.

"Well, this summer is closing in," Taehyung began. "-and I was wondering if you wanted to spend the summer with me and my family. My mother is dying to meet you,"

Jungkook looked up in shock. Taehyung wanted him to meet his family? That was a big step for them was it not?

He found himself shying away from Taehyung. He was embarrassed. He didn't think-

"You don't have to if you don't want to," Taehyung added in assurance. "I-"

"I'd love to," Jungkook replied in a small voice. "I just...I didn't think that-"

"Didn't think what?" Taehyung whispered, hooking a finger under his chin and tilting his head up so he could look at him.

"I didn't think that I was worthy enough to bring home..." he muttered quietly. "I'm such a mess,"

"Baby," Taehyung cooed, resting his forehead against his. "You are worth so much to me. I am so proud of the man you're becoming. You've overcome so much in life, you're so strong and brave. I don't think that I could handle what you've gone through, and look at you now? You're confident, you're sharing again, you're not afraid to speak your mind. If that's not a man worthy enough to bring home then I don't know what it,"

Jungkook let out a half sob half laugh as he wiped at his eyes. "I don't deserve you," he replied, hugging Taehyung. "You're so patient,"

"Well I've had three years practice," Taehyung mused. He let out a soft laugh. "So...is that a yes?"

"Yes, of course, I'll spend the summer with you," Jungkook said, giggling.

Taehyung didn't understand how someone like Jungkook could go from sexy and intimidating to bunny smile adorable. But Jungkook's laugh was infectious and Taehyung was smiling too as he held onto him in the small kitchenette of their dorm.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked, using the pet name to get his attention.

"Yes Tae?"

"I was also thinking...about something else,"

"Oh?" Jungkook's interest peaked, mostly because Taehyung seemed to be getting shy on him, and Taehyung wasn't normally one to get shy. "About what?"

"Well...I um...I was wondering if..."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow in amusement. It was so funny to see Tae tripping over his words and getting flustered as he tried to come up with the right words to say.

"Taehyung," Jungkook said, cupping his face again. He forced Taehyung to meet his gaze. "Breathe," he said. Taehyung took a deep breath. "Better?" He nodded.

"So my aunt has this apartment that she owns," Taehyung stated, rushing his words a little. "-and y'know she's looking for tenants and I told her that I was interested in the place,"

"Okay," Jungkook said, following along, although being slightly confused.

"Well...I was hoping that maybe you'd like to stay with me too? It's not a big apartment - there's only one room - b-but you and I already share a bed most of the time anyways, so it wouldn't be too bad and-"

"Taehyung are you asking me to move in with you?"


"Okay," Jungkook nodded.


"I don't see why you're so surprised," Jungkook chuckled. "We already live together Hyung. And like you pointed out, I already sleep in your bed, so it's really not any different. And you're my boyfriend, so why wouldn't I want to?" he questioned.

"Yeah, but...I don't know it seemed like a big step to have our own place - like a real place not a dorm room," Taehyung replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Taehyungie, we already live together. You're my boyfriend and I love you, there's no reason to be so nervous,"

"Sorry I-"

"Besides, having our own place sounds nice,"

It did sound nice.

"I don't mind spending my forever with you either,"

Taehyung liked the way forever sounded a lot more, and suddenly he was envisioning him and Jungkook a few years down the road. Maybe they'd have a house, and not an apartment. He'd get to come home to his husband - because Taehyung knew he was going to marry Jungkook someday - and maybe even a baby. Yeah, a little boy or girl resting in Jungkook's arms when he came home and greeted him with a kiss. Maybe they'd have another little one clutching Jungkook's pant leg, wanting to be held as well. The thought of Jungkook as a dad made his heart swell. Jungkook would make the best father in the world, and he couldn't wait to have a little mini him running around their own place. His perfect little family.

"Forever sounds nice," Tae murmured.

y'all really got freaked out over "finale" in the last chapter lmao, I've still another ten chapters at best before I'm done with this story. take a deep breath and relax, it's not the end...yet

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