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oo4"you're going places

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"you're going places...I'm just an obstacle in your path,"


YOONGI COULDN'T REMEMBER EVER FEELING SO PROUD IN HIS LIFE BEFORE. Seeing Han walk across that stage to receive his diploma might have been the proudest moment of his life and he found it a little funny because it wasn't him graduating, it was Han. It should be Han's proudest moment in life, but sitting their in between his mother and Jungkook, watching him being handed his diploma made him want to cry tears of joy.

It was agonizing, to have to sit through the remaining ceremony. Yoongi wanted nothing more than to just tackle Han in a hug and then go home. He didn't really care about everyone else that was graduating. He just cared about Han. And he could tell that Jungkook was feel restless as well, as his left leg was bound rapidly. The younger could never sit still for long periods of time. Yoongi placed his hands on his knee to stop the bouncing, and Jungkook peered up at him. "We'll go home soon," he whispered with a wink. Jungkook smiled and nodded his head.

Roughly half an hour later, and dozens of  graduation caps getting tossed in the air, Yoongi and Jungkook were finally able to escape the confines of their chairs and rush over to Han's side. The older hugged Jungkook first, bringing him in for a tight hug. The two of them were laughing, and he could hear Jungkook telling him how much he loved him. That he was proud. When the two were finished with their embrace, Han glanced up at Yoongi and reached a hand out. Yoongi grabbed it and allowed him to pull him against his chest.

"I'm so proud of you," Yoongi whispered, pecking his cheek.

"Thank you," Han replied, squeezing him. Yoongi groaned in pain, causing Han to pull back in surprise. "Babe you-"

"I sat in a chair for almost two hours," Yoongi said, cutting him off. "I'm sore and would very much like to go home,"

"We can go home soon," Han whispered, kissing him. "And we can cuddle on the couch and watch movies,"

"Can I join?" Jungkook asked, popping up between the two. The fourteen year old's gaze flickered back and forth Han and Yoongi's eyes. "Please? It'll be the last time we get to do something before Han goes to university," he begged.

"Hey! We have all summer to do fun stuff too," Han said, riffing Jungkook's hair. Jungkook pouted up at them.

"You can pick the movie," Yoongi told him, causing the younger's eyes to light up like a kid's on Christmas.

"Really!? You're the best Hyung!" He exclaimed, hugging him around the waist before taking off.

Han gave Yoongi a smirk and rolled his eyes playfully. "You spoil him too much," he stated, as Yoongi pulled him in the direction of their families. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"That's why I'm his favourite,"

"You are not!" Han gasped in a dramatic fashion. "I'm his favourite,"

"Nuh uh!"

"Uh huh!"

Yoongi laughed, tossing his head back, and spun in his heel walking away from the the older. Han stopped walking to watch momentarily as Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and kissed the top of his head. He could see him speaking to his mother and smiling about something she had said while Jungkook struggled to get out of his embrace. The sight made his heart melt.

He really loved that man.

short and sweet

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