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TAEHYUNG WASN'T THE ONLY ONE WHO WAS THINKING ABOUT THE FUTURE. Ever since Tae had brought up wanting to move in with Jungkook, Jimin had started formulating his own plans about asking Yoongi to move in. He practically lived with him already - he had space in his bathroom, and a drawer in his dresser. Hell, Holly had his own dog bed that had found its place in Jae's room at the foot of her bed. It would make a lot more sense if they lived together. No more going back and forth between places. It would also give Jimin an excuse to look at houses. As much as he loved his little home, he was dying to move into something a little bigger, with a bit more space for Jae. He also had his heart set on a backyard - for her and Holly. The only issue was that Jimin didn't know how to go about asking him. It would be a big step in their relationship, and Jimin sensed that Yoongi had a bit of an emotional attachment to his apartment. It had been his first home away from home that he had shared with Han. Aside from his things, the apartment was all Yoongi really had left of the older male, and he knew that it would be a lot for Yoongi to move out. It would take a big, emotional toll on him. Besides, today was not the day to bring up the idea of moving in together, seeing as Jimin's parents had invited them over, and Yoongi was already overwhelmed. He didn't need to worry or stress out his boyfriend anymore that he already was.

Yoongi swallowed nervously as he stepped out of Jimin's car. Jae was already running up the walkway, and throwing open the front door. "NANA! POPPA!" He wished he had the younger's confidence, but instead he was freaking out, already running through the typical questions in his head.

What if they hate me?

They won't hate you Yoongi, you're an amazing man

What if they think I'm no good?

Why on earth would they think that?

What if they want us to break up?

Yoongi you're overreacting, they're not going to want that.

How are they going to feel about my depression?

Why should that matter? That's your business, not theirs

I'm not the man they should want their son with.

That's bullshit and you know it. There isn't a man more kind, more patient than you...well except maybe for Jungkook, but he's dating Taehyung.

They're going to hate me I know. They'll take one look at me and see how much of a pathetic mess I am.

No, they're going to see how happy you make their son. Just like how happy you made me. You're a wonderful man Yoongi, anybody who can't see that is blind

What if-

"They're going to love you," Jimin assured, coming around the side of the car. Yoongi's eyes flickered to Jimin's. He hated how easy he was to read in stressful situations. To distract himself, he took in Jimin' appearance. He wore jeans that were torn to hell in some places, and a white, long sleeve under a jean jacket. He'd brushed his peachy hair back and covered it with a baseball cap. He didn't look like a single father taking his daughter to visit his grandparents. Jimin looked a lot like a cheeky bad boy who got stuck babysitting the neighbors kid, and had ulterior motives. Jimin looked younger almost as he wandered over to Yoongi's side and took his hand in his. Of course, Jimin was younger than he was - almost 21, next to his 23. It wasn't a big age gap - but Yoongi looked older thanks to years of stress and lack of sleep.

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