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"Meant for each other," (a reprise)


THE WIND NIPS AT AT THEIR NOSES AS THEY STAND OUT IN THE CHILLY NOVEMBER AIR. It's snowing outside. Heavily, one might add, but it is almost December. However, Yoongi and Jungkook are both underdressed for being outside. Yoongi has on a fall jacket, and Jungkook had decided being outside in a sweater was going to be warm enough for him. It wasn't, and he was freezing. He was shivering as he stood next to Yoongi, his teeth chattering. If Yoongi didn't know better, it sounded like he was standing next to a tap dancer.

There was nobody else at the cemetery today. Probably too cold for people to venture out that day. It seemed like with every passing second it snowed a little more, and eventually it was becoming hard to see. But they didn't budge, only stood there, staring down at the tombstone.

Jeon Haneul
Loving brother and Fiance

Yoongi hated coming here. It was a permanent reminder of what he lost that day, something to taunt him. This is where he is, here to stay forever, buried six feet under, cold and lifeless, never to rise again. Jungkook hated it too. It was very rare that Yoongi would bring Jungkook, he'd only been once or twice over the years. He broke down in tears whenever they came, and today was no exception. They'd been there for less than five seconds, and Jungkook had turned into him, sobbing. Yoongi had trained himself not to cry when he visited. He wasn't going to let the tombstone break him anymore than he already was. He hugged Jungkook tightly, placing one hand on the back of his head, gently running his hands through his hair soothingly.

It had been months since Yoongi had last visited the cemetery. He hadn't come on the anniversary of his death, it was too painful for him, but he decided as a spur of the moment decision, to come and visit today. He called up Jungkook and asked if he wanted to come. They'd never gone together before. It was weird.

It was kinda funny talking to a headstone. Jungkook spoke first, and told him all about Taehyung and art school. Those were the only things he talked about any more. They were the only things that mattered to Jungkook. Well, and of course Yoongi, but Yoongi knew that he was important to him, so he didn't need to tell him as often. Yoongi went afterwards, and told him about his new job, and how he was still seeing Namjoon. He was almost four months sober, but sometimes the temptation was there to drink a whole bottle of whatever he could get his hands on to make the dreams stop. He told him about Jimin, and how he was planning on asking him out on a date (but he hadn't told Jungkook yet. He wanted to talk about it with him before he made a move. He needed to have that conversation with him, or it wouldn't feel right.

It was too cold for either of them now that almost an hour had passed, but neither of them could bring themselves to look away, or to leave. It was almost as if they were in a trance, frozen in place, destined to stare at the tombstone forever. That is, until Jungkook started crying again. Yoongi decided it was time to go home then.

The walk back to Yoongi's wasn't as quiet as he thought it would be. Jungkook had started talking about school and several of the pieces that he was working on. Yoongi listened with interest and made him promise that he would show them to him the next time he stopped by the dorm. He then jumped into a rant about Taehyung, and how perfect he was. Yoongi had heard this speech more than once, but Jungkook always had something new to add to it. Yoongi still wondered why Taehyung hadn't made his move yet. At this point, Yoongi was ready to lock the two of them in a room together, and he was pretty positive that if he asked, Jimin would help him.

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