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"hello kitty always helps"


TAEHYUNG HAS NEVER SEEN JUNGKOOK THIS NERVOUS AND IT BREAKS HIS HEART THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO HELP HIM. Jungkook is on the verge of crying as they make their way up the front steps of Jimin's house. In an attempt to soothe him, Taehyung placed his hand on his shoulder, and pressed his lips to Jungkook's cold cheek, whispering in his ear, "I'm sure everything is alright," he's hoping it will ease some of his stress, but he knows that Jungkook won't be able to rest easy until he finds Yoongi.

Yoongi was the type of person who always answered his phone, even if it was just a text message, so when he didn't answer his phone this morning when Jungkook called him, he started to worry. Sure, it was really early, and on the days that Yoongi actually slept, he slept until noon, so maybe he was just sleeping, but when he tried again closer to noon, and Yoongi still hadn't picked up he panicked. He was already under a lot of stress already from class, and his accident, which he still needed to tell Yoongi about (and was incredibly nervous about) but Yoongi not answering him just added to the pile.

After failing to get a hold of him for almost two hours, Taehyung suggested that they go and see if he was home. Maybe he was still asleep - but Jungkook was already thinking the worst. It took a lot for Taehyung to coax him out of bed. But Yoongi wasn't there when they arrived. Jungkook had used his spare key, and the only person who was home was Holly, curled up and sound asleep on the couch. This led Jungkook to have a miniature panic attack, with lots of reassurance from Taehyung who held him closer, and kissed his forehead several times in order to calm him down.

They tried Yoongi's work next, but Joy said he wasn't coming in until later, and hadn't texted him saying that he had a change of plans or that he couldn't make it. That too was a dead end.

Sensing that his boyfriend was beginning to lose it again, Taehyung suggested they try Jimin's.

"Maybe he's still with Jimin," Taehyung finally prompted. "The weather was pretty bad last night, and knowing how Jimin gets, he might have made Yoongi stay the night for safety reasons. He does that with me sometimes,"

Jungkook didn't seem too convinced but agreed to let Taehyung take him to Jimin's to see.

Twenty minutes later, they found themselves on Jimin's front steps, praying that Yoongi was here. If he wasn't, there would be a lot more crying involved. Taehyung rang the doorbell, and gripped Jungkook's hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly.

The front door to the house swung open, and both men were greeted by Jae in bright yellow pajamas with a slice of toast in her hand, mid bite. She almost dropped it when she spotted them, smiling widely, but then the smile was wiped away when she noticed that Jungkook was almost crying.

"Uncle Tae why is kookie crying?" she questioned pouting.

"Jungkook isn't doing too well," Taehyung rushed out. "Do you know where Yoongi is sweetheart?"

"Uh huh," she said with a nod of her head. "He's having coffee with Daddy,"

Jungkook let out a choked sob, startling Jae. Her eyes went wide as Jungkook began to break down in front of her, and Taehyung looked to her with a pleading look. "Can you go get him?" Jae nodded and took off down the hall yelling, "MR. YOONGI!" at the top of her lungs.

To say that Yoongi is terrified when Jae came sprinting back into the kitchen, hollering his name, is a bit of an understatement. Yoongi doesn't think he'd ever had someone call out for him like that before, and it's a lot more worrisome coming from a toddler. Jae's eyes are wide, almost as if something scared her, and she's pointing to the hallway where she just came from.

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