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"you can't just pop back up in my life and think that I'll be okay with it, life doesn't work like that," 


DESPITE THE LACK OF SLEEP, JIMIN MANAGES TO CLEAN MOST OF THE HOUSE ONCE JAE IS GONE. With some help from Taehyung, they tackled the front half of the house, as they were the messiest, and couldn't be hidden from those who came to visit. He could close the doors to the bathroom, and the rooms, but he couldn't with the rest.

Jimin's house wasn't big, despite being three bedrooms, and two baths. His room was probably the same size as his daughter's, the only difference being that his room had a bathroom attached to it. Their living room was attached to the kitchen in an open floor plan, making the house feel more spacious despite the size. It might seem small for some, but for Jimin and Jae, the house was perfect.

Jae had not put away all of her things before she had left - she had thankfully managed to get all the crayons and colouring pencils back in their boxes - but they still sat in a stack on the coffee table next to her colouring books. So Taehyung took it upon himself to put them away on the small bookshelf near the t.v. which Jimin bought solely for storing anything Jae had out there, instead of in her room. There were also takeout containers from last night's dinner that needed to be thrown out, and the floor needed to be vacuumed. So while Taehyung put the living room back to its proper state, Jimin got a head start on the kitchen. He'd been slacking on doing the dishes, but with dance competitions and summer programs starting up, he'd been too tired to do them. There was a mound of dishes piled up in the sink, staring down at him menacingly.

Jimin also got a jump on the plethora of laundry that needed to get done. He threw a load of Jae's clothes into the wash before starting on the dishes, and by the time he was done washing, drying and putting them away, he started a second load.

By five o'clock, the two had cleaned the kitchen, living room, and had done three loads of laundry. Taehyung stayed on for another hour and a half, helping Jimin fold everything, and by quarter to seven, he left for home, so he could feel Yeontan. Jimin thanked him for his help, wished him a goodnight, and told him that he would call in the morning.

Exhausted from the day's work, Jimin made a quick supper with what was left in his fridge, and called it a night. He was out the moment his head hit the pillow.

The following morning, Jimin tackled the rest of the house. He woke early, having felt rested from the night before, and started with his room. He made the bed, vacuumed the floor, and threw out any garbage that was in there. Then he tackled his bathroom, wiping down the counters, cleaning the tub and toilet, and chucking any old prescriptions, toothbrushes and toothpaste. He gathered up the dirty towels, and tossed them in the hamper. Then he brought in the basket of his laundry, and stored everything in its respected place.

He moved onto the spare bedroom next, seeing as the only thing that needed to be done was vacuum and make the bed. He tackled the hall bathroom - or Jae's bathroom as they referred to it - next, and gathered up all of her towels as well, tossing them in the hamper.

He did Jae's room last, knowing it might take him a little longer. Jae was usually pretty clean for a child of her age, but there were some days where everything ended up out of place and yesterday morning had been one of those days.

Flicking on the light in her room, Jimin was engulfed in the colour yellow. Upon moving in, Jimin had asked her what colour she wanted to paint her room. Jae had wanted a bright sunshine yellow, and Jimin had to compromise with her. Bright yellow would be too harsh on the eyes, so they agreed on a soft pastel yellow. Not too light to be considered white, but not too bright to be considered lemon yellow either. Everywhere Jimin turned, he was greeted with yellow. Yellow walls, yellow bedding and pillows, even a yellow carpet by her bed. Hell, a majority of the dresses and skirts he had picked out for her were yellow. While other parents were helping their little girls pick out what shades of pink to wear, Jimin was busy hunting for the right shade of yellow that didn't make his baby look like a fluorescent security vest. Neon definitely was not her colour.

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