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"highs and lows," 


TRUTH BE TOLD, YOONGI DIDN'T FEEL AS UNCOMFORTABLE AS HE THOUGHT HE WOULD. Sure, he was constantly worried that people were staring at the scars on his arms, as he had neglected to wear the jacket inside the air conditioned room, but even if he caught someone glancing, it wasn't malicious, and many didn't seem to care. One girl - Suki - had more scars than he did. She was much more confident about wearing them, even if she was wearing a long sleeve.

Yoongi probably spent more time zoning out than listening, but when he tuned into the conversation, he became very sure of one thing: nobody here was embarrassed about their mental illness, or their struggles. They were shy, mostly introverted, but he could hear the confidence in their voices when they shared. Now, maybe it was because they all knew each other, and had been coming for years, but even Jungkook seemed confident about his answers (even though he tiptoed around his past). And he didn't even want to get started on Namjoon.

Yoongi had been in his presence less than an hour, and he already wanted to tell this man his life story. He was so understanding, and compassionate. He never pushed or pried, only listened and encouraged. He didn't fit the horror stories he'd heard about some therapists. He had a calming tone of voice that Yoongi could listen to for hours on end, and not get bored or annoyed by it. He'd known him one day, and he felt already as if he could trust him, and that not once would he judge him. He now understood why Jungkook wanted him to come. He knew that if Yoongi spent time with Namjoon, he would want to seek help from him. Yoongi silently cursed the younger for knowing him so well.

Yoongi couldn't help but feel proud seeing Jungkook share with others. He had always been the type of person to want to make friends and talk. He used to never be able to sit still, but after the accident, he'd become very shy and introverted. It was nice to know that he had people he could talk to if he couldn't talk to him. Yoongi felt that there would be times where he couldn't come to him, and there had been moments where Yoongi fully believed that he wouldn't be around anymore. Jungkook felt so calm, and eager to share when asked specific questions. Yoongi wondered if he had any part in that, or if it had to do with the boy who was sitting on the other side of him. He had a boxy smile, wore a white button up and shorts, and every so often glanced at him like he was envious of him. Namjoon had introduced him as Taehyung.

And then, just like that it was over. Yoongi didn't realize how much time had passed since he arrived, but Namjoon was calling it for a day. He wished everyone a great week, and told them to bring in some of their art for next Thursday.

Yoongi didn't move right away. Several other people got up, and walked around, putting their chairs away, but Yoongi seemed a little too dazed to move.

"Yoongi? Are you alright?"

He lifted his head, and greeted with soft brown eyes. Jimin. Yoongi blinked twice, and turned his head away. "Y-Yeah, I'm alright," he mumbled. Jimin didn't seem too convinced, and he pulled up a chair next to him. Yoongi didn't meet his eyes.

"Are you sure? You seem a little out of it,"

"I'm fine,"

"Okay," Jimin said, not pushing the subject anymore. "But it's okay if you're not. You know a lot of people feel weird after their first visit. They have all these theories and scenarios on how they think it's going to go and then when it doesn't, they don't know what to do,"

"So this is normal?" Yoongi mumbled, more so to himself than to Jimin.

"Of course. A lot of people who come in think they have to be ready to talk about what's going on in their lives. And when they learn that they can take as much time as they need it confuses them. Jungkook waited a whole year before ever talking. A past member of ours - she's better now - didn't tell us what had gone wrong in her life for at least two years." Jimin explained.

"Oh," Yoongi breathed. Jimin giggled, and for a moment, Yoongi's world stopped. Jimin's laugh was the most purest sound he'd heard in a long time. He knew he was being creepy, because he was watching Jimin the whole time, and he had to look away, feeling embarrassed that he let himself stare that long. When Jimin's laughter had died down, Yoongi lifted his head again.

"Anyways, I um...I wanted to say thank you for coming today," Jimin told him. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed.


"I wanted to say thank you. I know it seems silly, because I don't really have anything to be thanking you for, but...I've come to be very fond of Jungkook over the past few years. I've seen him grow as a person from coming to these meanings, and become more comfortable sharing and engaging with others. He's been trying to get you to come for months now, and I don't know if you know how much it meant to him that you came today." Jimin told him. "I mean, he spoke when you arrived. None of us have ever heard him talk before, not even Namjoon, and he sees Namjoon one on one. He trusts you so much, and isn't afraid to be himself around you, but that's probably because you're his brother," he rambled.

Yoongi wanted to tell him he wasn't.

"I didn't realize," Yoongi murmured.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of," Jimin replied. "I hope you come next week. We'd really like to have you,"

Before Yoongi could give him an answer, Jungkook had bounded over to him, and was tugging on his shirt. He immediately turned his head to face the younger. "What's up?" Yoongi asked. Jungkook lent down and whispered something in his ear. Jimin noticed how Jungkook never let go of Yoongi's shirt, and how jealous Taehyung looked from across the room. "I don't have an issue with that, but you'll have to call mum," Yoongi murmured. "Let her know you're staying the night,"

Jungkook nodded, and hugged him really tightly. "You almost ready to go?" Yoongi added. There was another nod. "Alright, I'll meet you by the door,"

Yoongi turned his attention back to Jimin. "I'm not making promises," Yoongi told him, standing. "It was nice meeting you Jimin,"

"You too Yoongi,"

this is much shorter than what I originally planned. I decided to end it here, and I'll write the rest as a filler chapter, which hopefully will be up by tomorrow
q. do you think Yoongi will go to Namjoon for help? or will he continue to deal with things on his own?

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