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THE FOLLOWING MORNING, JIMIN IS AWOKEN BY THE SOUNDS OF JAE CRYING AND YOONGI THROWING UP. Last night had finally caught up with them. Jimin's head is throbbing and every muscle in his body feels tense. It was painful just for him to sit up, and he feels like he's out of breath as he pushed himself back against the headrest. He's ready to fall back asleep but he can't because Jae is crawling into his lap, with big tears rolling down her already red cheeks. He can hear Yoongi in the bathroom, but he doesn't have the energy to pull himself from the bed. He winced as he wrapped his arms around his daughter, holding her securely against him. Jimin didn't have much experience dealing with nightmares. Jae had never had one before and if she did, she'd never told him. Jimin's heart is breaking the more he tries to calm her down. He's never seen her this distraught before. She'd handled breaking her arm like such a champ, but after last night, all she seemed to be able to do was cry, and quite frankly Jimin didn't blame her. But it didn't help that he was the type of person who cried when others cried, leaving him useless in that moment. "Baby, you're okay," he stressed, trying to sound confident. "It was just a dream, Jae, you're okay," but his voice cracked near the end, betraying him. Much like the night before, she wasn't having any of it as she clutched his arms as best she could with her small hands, sobbing hysterically. She was going to make herself sick if she continued like this, and then he'd have two sick people on his hands. Jimin wants to check on Yoongi, but he doesn't want to risk bringing Jae with him, knowing that if she saw him in that state, it would only make things worse.

Jimin needs Jae to stop crying. His headache is worse, and he doesn't want to be firm with her, but Jimin is slowly losing it, and now isn't the time for him to lose his patience. He can't do this by himself and with Yoongi out of the picture at the moment, he needs someone else. Just to help with Jae long enough for him to help Yoongi. He's running a hand through Jae's hair when he gets an idea. He begins fumbling around the bed for his phone. "I'm gonna call Papa," Jimin told her, kissing the top of her head. He spots his phone on the nightstand, and reached over to grab it, grimacing the whole time. His ribs feel sore as he bends slightly, and he's so thankful when he can straighten himself out. Jimin is hoping that by mentioning Hwan, it might catch Jae off guard. It does, and her loud cries die down almost instantly as she wipes as her eyes and pouts.

"Papa?" she questioned, sniffling. She peered up at Jimin with red cheeks stained with her tears.

"Yeah," Jimin whispered, rubbing her back as he dialed Hwan's number. "Wanna talk to papa?" Jae begins to cry again, but it's softer and she's nodding her head. Jimin sighed in relief. "Can you be a big girl and stay on the phone with him while Daddy checks on Yoongi?"

Jae nodded again, and rested her head against his chest.

Hwan is just waking up when Jimin calls. After blindly searching for his phone, he tiredly stuffed the device between his cheek and shoulder as he propped himself up on one elbow. "Hey, what's up?" he asked in a groggy voice. Jimin's voice comes out rushed and panicky from the other line.

"Can you please calm Jae down for me?"

Hwan is a little more awake now as he sits up in bed. "Why what happened?"

"It's a long story that I promise to explain in just a moment, but I really need you to calm Jae down, Hwan, I can't do it," Jimin is begging at this point, and Hwan isn't sure if he should come over or not.

"Uh-what about your boyfriend?" Hwan questioned, rubbing a hand over his face.

"He's kinda sick right now, which is why I need you to talk to Jae right now so that I can see if he's okay,"

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