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"Slugs have four noses,"


"Han is...h-he's dead Yoongi, he's g-guh-guh-gone, they couldn't save him!"


YOONGI'S HEAD IS POUNDING AS HE FORCES HIMSELF OUT OF BED. His body is exhausted and he can barely think straight as he pulls on a pair of jeans, and a long sleeve shirt. He grunts in frustration when he realizes his shirt is on inside out and backwards. He rips it off, and searches for another shirt. He pulled it over his head, and inhaled the scent of Han's cologne, making his head feel dizzy and light-headed. Of course it would be Han's shirt, it just had to be. Yoongi couldn't tell if he was being punished or not as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand to check the time. It was ten to six, and he groaned. It was too early in the morning - the sun wasn't even up yet.

He stumbled out of bed, and down the hallway in search of his shoes and bag. He made sure he had everything he needed before making his way out into the hall.

The air was chilly outside. September was finally here, and mornings were beginning to get colder. He should have brought a jacket, he was freezing by the time he'd gone around the block once. The sun was starting to rise now, but Yoongi, despite being cold, wasn't ready to go home yet. The fresh air felt nice, and the city was still asleep. There were no sounds of bustling traffic or honking cars. Instead of turning left to go home, and crossed the street.

He ended up at Lei's coffee shop, about fifteen minutes down the street. He started going there on early morning walks to help. They made the best coffee in the world.

The mornings were always deserted up until 8:00 a.m. when everyone was waking up and getting ready for work. It smelled like fresh baked muffins inside as Yoongi entered. There were just putting out the pastries when he walked past, heading for once of the booths in the back like always. He slipped inside his usual seat, a booth by the window, so he could watch the people pass by, and feel the sunlight when it streamed into the building. He set his bag down on the bench beside him, and pulled out a blank notebook - that he bought the day he saw Namjoon - and a rather thick book that had seen better days, titled Interesting Animal Facts For The Curious Mind. Han had brought it home one day in the first year of their relationship for Jungkook, who was writing a report on Jaguars. He'd got it at a used book store, and now whenever he needed to get out of the apartment like this morning, it was one of the first books he would grab to take with him. He'd read it almost three or four times, and knew most of the facts by heart. It was the ones that he didn't remember that he planned on learning today.

Facts, like he had discussed with Namjoon, had become a coping method. He began memorizing facts when things got too much for him. By memorizing facts, he had to focus his mind on something other than the accident or his pain. Namjoon's advice? Whenever you feel like you're starting to lose control, learn a new fact. Anything. And if one isn't good enough, learn another and another. Make a list if you need to, and when you feel in control again, stop. The first thing he had done after leaving was buy a notebook and some pens. He kept them in his backpack along with the book.

Yoongi woke up this morning with no control, and he was determined to get it back.


Jimin was never a fan of coffee. He was more of a tea kind of guy and only drank coffee if he was desperate for a pick me up. This morning was one of those mornings. Having slept poorly because Jae was feeling a little under the weather, and a class to teach at noon, Jimin was in need of a cup of coffee. Hwan had agreed to watch Jae for the day, allowing Jimin to do the things he needed to do. He could do his classes from home, unlike Taehyung who apologized for not being available that morning, as he had a nine a.m. class.

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