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seven years later


SUNLIGHT CREPT INTO EVERY SPACE IT COULD FIND - THROUGH THE TREETOPS AND IN BETWEEN THE CRACKS OF THE GRAVES. How funny, that a cemetery could look so beautiful in the summertime. The leaves swayed gently in the breeze, picking up on the wind's soft lullaby. It danced around those who came and went that day, tickling their skin, and the blades of grass beneath their feet. The rays of sun warmed all those who graced upon it as they wandered through the garden of the dead.

She looked out of place as she danced along the rows, skipping back and forth in search of it. A child of twelve, she looked oddly out of place amongst the graves. She wore a bright yellow dress and white socks that covered most of her legs. Her hair was a bright peachy orange colour. Everything about her screamed happiness and she seemed happy to be with the dead, unaccompanied, or so it seemed.

She eventually found what she was looking for, and plopped down in front of a tombstone, smiling to herself. "Morning!" she chirped. "I'm sorry I'm late, we had to stop and get pickles," she giggled. She was under the shade of a large oak tree, but she could feel the warmth of the sun as a few rays broke through the leaves. She sighed contently. "It's such a pretty day out, isn't it? We're going to have a barbecue later, but I wanted to say hi first. It's been awhile since I last visited and so much has happened since. I turned twelve! I'm almost a teenager, but Daddy says I'm not allowed to get any older because I made him a promise that I would stay a little girl," she rambled.

To those who walked past, they might find it odd that such a young girl could find it comforting and easy to talk to a gravestone, but it had always been easy for her. She always had something on her mind. "Han's really big now - he's four now, and daddy says he's just as cute as I was when I was that age. Daddy cries every time he sees him now, because he's getting big too."

She shifted in her spot so she didn't dirty her dress. "I lost a tooth the other day! And the tooth fairy - who I know is just uncle hobi - gave me five bucks! I'm rich! Oh and I won dancer of the year at daddy's studio! How cool is that!"

She gave another big smile. "You'd be proud of us, I know you would. And of Daddy. He's done pretty good." she told the stone. "But he misses you, I know he does. I hear him talking about you sometimes...and what you were like. He says you were really cool, and I'm sorry you can be here to see all of this. Not to worry though, I'll keep you updated on everything! I have to go though - I'll come back next Saturday a-and I'll tell you what uncle Tae Tae's good news is! He has an announcement to make today and I wonder what it's about...okay but really, I have to go now. Love you," she announced as she stood up and brushed off the dirt. "I'll come back soon. Buh-bye now!"

_____ 🌻 _____

On the other side of the cemetery, Yoongi stood awkwardly in front of the grave in front of him. He had never been one for words, and after all this time, he still didn't know what to say. He came here almost once a week, he should be able to think of something by now.

He's changed in the past seven years. He finally gave himself a much needed haircut and opted for blonde locks instead of black shortly after the incident - although now he was sporting a ridiculous blue colour. It had been Jimin's idea. His hair was a bubblegum pink, and Jae had hair the colour of a peach.

However, seven years did nothing to his sense of fashion, and Yoongi was still sporting the same ripped jeans as always. They were a washed out blue colour, and he wore a simple white shirt. He tried not to look at his forearms - the scars were much more prominent. Dark pink and very noticeable. However, he did seem to be able to hide them under his tattoos. He's accumulated several more in the past few years: the date of Jae's birthday, the date of his son's birthday, hexagonal shapes in an intricate pattern - or honeycombs as the joke went.

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