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"meant for each other,"



"Because you don't like the cold,"

"It's summer Han, it's hot outside, even at night"

"We were outside last night and you were complaining about how 'cold' it was, babe,"

Yoongi made a face, pouted when Han laughed at his reaction. He pulled Yoongi closer to him, pressing his lips to the top of his head in an apologetic manner. "I love you," he whispered, snuggling closer to him. Yoongi sighed contently, resting his head against his shoulder.

The two of them were curled up on their balcony, something they had never really done before. Granted, they'd been there only a month and a half, but Han's childhood home had a balcony, as did Yoongi's, but they'd never sat outside at night before there either.

There wasn't a cloud in the sky to be seen, just dark blues and twinkling stars. The sun had gone down a long time ago, but they hadn't moved from their spot. They continued to sit curled up, huddled under blankets, with mugs of hot chocolate, and Min Holly (yes, Yoongi insisted that Holly take his last name. Now all he had to do was convince Han to do the same) between them. Holly had fallen asleep, but Han and Yoongi were wide awake, eyes staring up at the stars. Well, Yoongi's were, Han was too busy staring at his fiance, admiring how pretty he looked in the moonlight. Yoongi had always been pale, and under the soft moonlight, he looked almost ethereal, a vision of beauty. Sometimes he had a hard time believing Yoongi was even his.

Yoongi shifted, leaning forward to place his mug on the small coffee table in front of him. Han caught a glimpse of his engagement ring, adorning his left hand. The older smiled widely, and as Yoongi lent into his side again, careful not to squish their puppy, Han slid his hand around Yoongi's neck, kissing the junction between his shoulder and neck. Yoongi hummed in response, turning his head towards Han. "Hi," he whispered.

"You look so pretty with a ring on your finger," Han whispered back, kissing Yoongi's neck again. He trailed his lips upwards, kissing as he went. He kissed Yoongi's cheek once, then twice before Yoongi turned his head, capturing the older in a kiss.

"I do?" he mused.

"Yes," he breathed. "I'm such a lucky man, I can't believe you said yes, god you have absolutely know idea how happy I am," Han told him, wrapping his arms around him.

Yoongi felt his heart skip a beat. He loved when Han got all mushy on him, and told him how much he loved him. He loved hearing how Han thought he was so incredibly lucky to have him, that he was the best thing in his life. Yoongi felt needed, and loved in those moments. (Not to mention it was a slight turn on when Han got like this, but that's a whole nother story). Yoongi nudged his nose against Han's. "You act like I would say so no to you,"

"You're hard to read sometimes,"

"You are my everything, my greatest joy in life, and I love you. I never want to be apart from you, Han. I will forever be by your side,"

Han giggled and kissed him again. "Save it for your wedding vows," he teased. Yoongi snorted, and pulled away from him. "Oh no you don't get back here!" Han hooked his arms around his waist, and brought him back to his side. The two of them forgot that Holly was wedged between them. The puppy let out a tiny bark and jumped up from his spot, moving away from the two. He settled down by Han's feet.

"Oops," Yoongi laughed.

"Sorry Holly," Han mumbled to the dog. He focused his attention on Yoongi again, brushing some of his hair out of his face. "God, I can't wait to marry you," Han told him. "Can't wait to call you my husband..."

Yoongi could feel his face turning red, and was suddenly very thankful that it was night time so that Han couldn't see. "Don't do that," Yoongi whispered.

"Don't do what?"

"Say things that make me want to kiss you," Yoongi told him. "You're always saying things that make me want to kiss you,"

"I can't help it," Han said, leaning down. "I want you to know these things. I want you to know how much you mean to me, how excited I am to see you walk down that aisle, how much I can't wait to whispered "my husband" in your ear when I make love to you on our honeymoon-"

Yoongi's eyes widened, and his breathing hitched. Han kissed his jawline, lips moving closer and closer to his own.

"But for now, I think calling you Fiance will have to do,"

Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat. "Haneul?"


"Kiss me,"

Yoongi could tell that he was smiling as he lent down the rest of the way. His lips were soft against Yoongi's, and molded perfectly with his. He cupped the sides of Han's face, drawing him in every time he went to pull away.

They stayed like that for a very long time, kissing under the night sky. Pressed together under the blankets, Yoongi and Han felt at peace. It was so calm, with a soft, late summer's breeze occasionally flowing through the air. Yoongi liked this. Late nights outside were enjoyable, and the stars were just so pretty. Han was the prettiest though. And when they finally pulled away, lips red, smiled broke out across their faces as they laughed. All was calm. All was perfect.

not sure where i was going with this, but it'll have to do for now

p.s........one more chapter

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