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"safe spaces," 


"MIN YOONGI? DR. KIM WILL SEE YOU NOW," The woman said, offering him an encouraging smile. "If you'll just follow me, this way please?"

He rose on shaky legs, and kept his head down as he followed her into the back area of the building. He kept pulling at the sleeves of his sweater - a nervous habit he developed after the accident. He didn't like looking at the scars on his body, and it didn't help when he started adding them to feel some sort of control in his life. He had come to terms with them now, but he didn't like to see them. Yoongi often debated covering them up with tattoos. He had one - an anatomical drawing of a heart. He had seen a picture of it one day, and thought it would be nice in honour of Han's love of medicine. He had moments where he thought about getting other ones, in memory of him. Maybe Jungkook would draw it for him, or get one with him. But he was too afraid of having other people be up close and personal with his scars.

Yoongi wasn't sure how he had come to the decision to see Namjoon officially. He didn't think about it. He just woke up, made a few calls, and found himself taking the monorail into the city to meet him in his office. He didn't realize that this was happening until he was waiting for the woman at the desk to call his name. And now, walking behind her, Yoongi wanted to run. He wasn't ready for this. He wanted to run home to Han and crawl under the covers where it would be safer. He wanted to be at home, not here, but it was too late. The woman stopped in front of a room, and pushed the door open. "You may have a seat, and Dr. Kim will be right with you,"

Taking a deep breath, Yoongi stepped inside the office.

The room was larger than he expected, and the total opposite of what he thought it would look like. The room wasn't all white like he thought it would be. It had dark wood floors, and ceiling to floor bookshelves along the west wall, lined with books galore. Han would love it here. There was a mahogany desk underneath a large window that let in lots of natural lighting. There was a black leather couch not too far away from the door. When you sit your back would be to the door, and a black leather recliner saw across from it. He felt like he had walked into one of those old styled offices from those Victorian types mansions. It was cozy and inviting, not menacing and white.

Yoongi felt like he was being locked away in a cell when she closed the door behind him. He felt weird, sitting on the couch, with his back to the door. He felt like someone might try and sneak up on him from behind, which is exactly what Namjoon did, because Yoongi didn't hear him come in. There was a dark shadow that passed by his side, and then Namjoon was there in front of him, dressed in a crisp black suit with a clipboard, scaring the shit out of him. Namjoon chuckled. "Sorry about that, for someone who has a bad habit of being clumsy, I'm surprisingly quiet," Namjoon apologized. "It's really good to see you again Yoongi,"

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," Yoongi responded. "I didn't know if you'd want to," Yoongi had only made the call this morning, and they said he was lucky. Namjoon had no clients today but was in the office. Talk about good timing.

"Yoongi if there is one thing I care about most in this world other than my husband, it's my patients, especially Jungkook. He was just a baby when he started seeing me, and I feel a sense of responsibility for him. He talks about you a lot, if I'm being honest, and I know he just wants the best for you. I am more than happy to take you on as a patient,"

Yoongi let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. It felt good to know that Namjoon wanted to help him. He didn't know why, but it did.

"Let's start with an introduction," Namjoon suggested. "You already know me, but my name is Kim Namjoon. You may call me Dr. Kim, or Namjoon. Whichever makes you feel the most comfortable,"

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