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"change can be scary, but it's also inevitable and sooner or later you'll have to come to terms with it,"


YOONGI FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE STANDING IN LINE AMONG HIS CLASSMATES. There were only two more people that needed to be called up before his own name was called, and he was still struggling to mentally prepare himself for when it happened. His biggest fear was tripping across the stage. The graduation gown was longer than he would have expected, and he had stepped on the hem a few times in the past two hours. He didn't even know if he'd make it up the stairs in one piece. Yoongi had no idea how Han managed to do it and look so graceful.

Yoongi craned his head, scanning the crowd around him. He could clearly see his mother and father sitting in the front row, cameras at the ready. They were determined to get as many pictures of him as possible. It's not everyday your son graduates from high school.

However, he couldn't see Han or Jungkook. There were too many people in his line of sight for him to be able to spot them. He knew they were there though.

"Min Yoongi,"

His head snapped back up in the direction of the stage and inhaled deeply before climbing the stairs to the stage. Don't trip, don't trip he chanted inside his head. He could feel hundreds of eyes on him, only making his nerves even worse, by he managed to make it across the stage, receive his diploma and force a smile long enough for his mother to take a picture. He didn't exhale until he was safely on the other side of the stage and back on the floor. Another name was called, and the attention was no longer on him.

From this side of the stage, he could see Jungkook, who's leg was bouncing rapidly. Much like at Han's graduation, the younger was becoming restless. Jungkook's head turned, and when he spotted Yoongi, he smiled widely and waved at him. Yoongi waved back in amusement before watching the younger tug on Han's sleeve. The older turned his head, and Yoongi found himself smiling like an idiot at Han who blew him a kiss. Yoongi shook his head playfully and rolled his eyes.

Yoongi broke his gaze momentarily to stare down at the diploma in his hands. Something he didn't think was possible. He didn't think he was a "smart" kid, he struggled with classes and skipped a few here and there. But then he met Han and the older saw something in him. Without Han, Yoongi was sure he wasn't going to graduate at all. None of this would have been possible without him.

He glanced back up again. Han was whispering something in his brother's ear, causing Jungkook to break into a fit of quiet giggles. Yoongi's heart warmed at the sight of them. He couldn't wait to see what sort of future was in store for them.

short and sweet (:

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