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"rough days, missing him, keeping promises and an invitation to breakfast," 


YOONGI AWOKE THE FOLLOWING MORNING, FACE PRESSED AGAINST JUNGKOOK'S FOREHEAD. The younger's face was buried in his chest, his arm and leg strewn across his torso. For a split second, he thought he was waking up next to Han, the smell of his cologne faint. He then realized that Jungkook was wearing the sweater, and that Han wasn't actually there. But Yoongi felt a sense of comfort waking up next to someone for the first time in a long time. However, he wasn't a fan of the heat. Jungkook was bundled up in a sweater, and curled up against his chest, clinging to him. He radiated a lot of body heat, and Yoongi felt like he was heating up just from being so close to him, but he didn't dare move. He didn't want to wake the younger.

Jungkook had passed out by the time Yoongi returned, face smushed against his pillow. He figured the younger had worn himself out before coming here, and was just in need of a long nap now. That was not the case as he sat down on the edge of the bed. Jungkook immediately woke up and began crying, making grabby hands for him like how he used to when he had a nightmare when they were younger. It didn't matter how old Jungkook was, it was moments like this that made Yoongi realize that he was still a kid, dealing with more stress and hardship than most kids his age. Jungkook may have appeared happy on the outside, and acted like he was doing better, but he still hurt. He was still dealing with Han's death just like he was. He looked so young and broken as Yoongi pulled him onto his lap, letting him bury his head in his neck, and cry. Wide doe-like eyes filled with tears and sadness, Jungkook clung to his shirt while Yoongi rocked them back and forth trying to calm him down. He hadn't seen Jungkook this upset in over a year.

"Miss him," he garbled into his shoulder. Fingers knotted against the fabric of his shirt. Yoongi wondered if he might accidentally tear it off his body with the way he was holding on to him. "Miss him, miss him, miss him," he repeated, over and over again. He wasn't paying attention to anything Yoongi was saying, Jungkook's mind was only on one thing: Han.

"I miss him too," Yoongi told him, trying desperately not to cry. If he started crying they were really fucked. One of them had to keep their composure, and seeing as Jungkook was always helping him through his breakdowns without crying, it was Yoongi's turn to be the strong one, and make sure Jungkook felt loved and protected in that moment. He ran his hands through Jungkook's hair, something Han used to do in order to calm him down, and gently kissed the top of his head. "I wish he were still here," Yoongi whispered in his ear. "God, he'd be so proud of you, Jungkook. He'd be the proudest man alive. I'm so sorry he's not here, b-buh-but it's okay-" Yoongi's voice cracked as he tried to hold himself together. "-it's going to be okay b-because I'm here, and I won't leave you," Yoongi was going to keep his promise to Han. He was always going to be there for Jungkook if he needed him.

"Promise?" Jungkook had rasped in his ear.

"I promise," Yoongi shifted on the bed so that he was lying down, with Jungkook still in his arms, cradling the crying boy. He pressed a few more kisses to his forehead, and pulled the covers up over them. "I promised him," he mumbled to the sleepy boy, who was starting to doze off in his arms. His cries subsided into quiet gasps for air and hiccups, until Jungkook had tuckered himself out. "I promised Han I would never leave you, and I don't intend on breaking that promise,"

Yoongi stared down at the sleeping boy in his arms. He carded his fingers through Jungkook's hair, brushing it out of his face, and pressed his forehead against his. Jungkook stirred in his hold, but remained fast asleep. He stroked his thumb over his tear stained cheeks before quietly and carefully removing himself from the bed. Yoongi wasn't the greatest cook, but he figured he could make Jungkook breakfast for when he woke up in hopes it would make him feel better.

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