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"coffee stains, lullabies, memories and hard goodbyes,"


HAVING THEIR OWN SPACE WAS WEIRD. They knew that there would be an adjustment period where they tried to get used to their surroundings, but it still felt strange. Yoongi struggled to realize that he was no longer at home, meaning he had more freedom. He could do whatever he wanted, and not have to worry about his mother or father telling him no. He made the rules, but most of the time forgot. Han, on the other hand, was struggling to adjust to the fact that Yoongi was always around. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy having him there, he simply forgot that Yoongi lived there with him and would often find himself making a list of things that happened during the day that he wanted to tell Yoongi the next time he saw him, only for him to come back him to the apartment and see the younger sitting on the couch. It was odd knowing he didn't have to wait to share those things with him.

Along with the adjustment period, living together allowed for the two of them to learn a lot more about each other. Here are some of those things.

1. Despite loving his sleep, Yoongi was still up before Han in order to bring him a coffee in bed for when he woke up. It was actually a rare occurrence that Han was up before Yoongi. The younger had adopted the routine so much that it became a habit for him to wake up that early. (Well, that and he worked early than Han so he had to be up anyways.)

2. Yoongi was a neat freak, while Han was more on the messy side. It wasn't that Han didn't like the clean, he just had a bad habit of using eight different coffee mugs in one day because he was easily distracted by work and often forgot that he already had a mug. He left papers everywhere, and would only clean up once a task was finished (and this too proved to be a challenge because Han had a habit of multitasking). Yoongi found the latter slightly more irritating than the first, but he wasn't about to say anything. If that's how Han functioned, then he would leave him be and not mess up his work space. Besides, he knew Han would get around to cleaning eventually.

3. Han had an addiction to buying books. Not just medical books, but virtually any book he could get his hands on. They had an assortment of medical, science, history, poetry, plays, fantasy, and horror books scattered about their apartment. Han also had a tendency to read more than one boy at a time. There were several half finished books scattered around their living room.

4. Yoongi liked to leave little notes in Han's books. The older had come across several sticky notes stuck to random pages with cheesy messages on them or puns because Yoongi knew it would make Han's day.

5. Han also liked to leave Yoongi cheesy messages, but he had taken them to sticking them around the house in different areas. Yoongi would come across several in a day and just when you think you've found them all, there's another one waiting for you.

6. Yoongi used watermelon scented shampoo and liked to sing in the shower.

7. Han enjoyed taking long baths.

8. Yoongi was a bit of a blanket hog, while Han had a bad habit of sleeping diagonally.

9. Yoongi talks in his sleep. Han found it absolutely adorable because Yoongi had a tendency to say his name in his sleep as well as state how much he loved him.

10. Han usually cooked dinner, because Yoongi couldn't exactly cook much aside from eggs and french toast. And he typically had dinner ready by the time Yoongi got home from work, so that he didn't have to wait. It was a tradition in the making. Yoongi would get home, watching up and they'd eat together at the table, talking about their day. Yoongi would do the dishes afterwards.

11. Yoongi always made Han breakfast in bed on the weekends as Han only worked during the week. He felt like Yoongi spoiled him too much on those days, because not only did he get morning coffee, but he got morning breakfast as well.

12. Han could have very lengthy conversations with himself when he thought no one was watching.

13. Han discovered that Yoongi loves nap time and would often become cranky if he missed his naps

14. Yoongi had a sweet tooth and consumed almost every form of junk food he could get his hands on. Han constantly had to remind him to brush his teeth and often threatened to hide his candy if he didn't.

15. Han liked to dance. He wasn't good, and it was always in the comfort of their home. Han would put music on and drag Yoongi onto his feet to dance with him.

16. Han was the type of person to cry during movies

17. Neither of them had a green thumb and killed almost every house plant they bought within two weeks with the exception of one: Habinaro, the Cactus.

18. Yoongi spoke to the cactus like it was a real human.

19. Yoongi was easily irritated the more he cut back on Nicotine. They'd only been living together for three weeks at the time, but Yoongi was trying really hard to quit and often became snappy for no reason because his current outlet to relieve stress was gone. He felt bad whenever he yelled at Han for something that wasn't his fault, but Han would only smile and tell him that it was okay.

20. Han was the type of person that when you said you were going to be home at a certain time, he expected you home at said time. If you were late, he'd start to get nervous, thinking something that might have happened. Sure, being late by five minutes wasn't a big deal, and Yoongi was relatively good at letting him know if he'd be late. But once or twice there had been times where he hadn't informed him and this resulted in him coming home to a very panicked Han. Yoongi would apologize and hold him closely, reminding him that sometimes these things happen, but that he was alright, and that everything was going to be okay.

Living together for a month can teach you a lot about a person, but for Yoongi and Han, there was only one important outcome. It didn't matter that Han used too many mugs or that Yoongi could be easily irritated due to nicotine withdrawls. It didn't matter than Han bought too many books or that Yoongi took really long showers and sang slightly off key. It didn't matter that Yoongi stole the blankets or than Han slept diagonally  which sometimes resulted in him falling out of bed in the middle of the night. What mattered was that they enjoyed being in each others company 24/7, and that living together was the best decision either of them had made. They loved being together, and that was important.

okay okay so here's the thing/deal, whatever you wanna call it. I know that literally every chapter has had nothing to do with yoonmin and you're probably think author what are you doing, you said this was a yoonmin book and IT IS! I PROMISE... we're getting there.

I chose to format this book a little differently than my others. There are 15 chapters in total for part one of this book. none of them have Jimin in them, and I know this may seem annoying but these 15 chapters are important to the story line. They will play a part in the future of this novel so please don't skip over them in a rush to get to Jimin. (ik none of you have said anything or are rushing to get to the point, but I'm clarifying anyway)

There are five more chapters left of Yoongi and Han, and then I promise Jimin will come into play. Please be patient with me, I love all of you that have stuck around since the beginning, and I promise that the ball will get rolling shortly :)

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