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YOONGI PEERED OUT THE WINDOW, WATCHING THE CITY RUSH PAST HIM IN A GREY AND BLACK BLUR. Lights appeared like tiny orange orbs as they blinked past. The sun was beginning to set over the city, as they drove down the highway. As much as he was excited to be going out for dinner with Han and Jungkook, Yoongi couldn't help but feel slightly depressed. He felt as if life was rushing by him, not just the city. Everything seemed to be happening so fast, and it was like he couldn't keep up with it. It felt like only yesterday that he was meeting Han on the platform. It felt like yesterday they were sharing their first kiss or first 'I love you'. Now they were engaged, and preparing for the next next stage of their life: marriage.

Yoongi was already thinking about their future. He was already planning the next few months in his head. He glanced down at his hand where the ring on his figure was. He hadn't told any of his ideas to Han yet, but he wanted to have a summer wedding. He didn't like the cold, and neither did Han, so he didn't think that this would be a big issue. Yoongi also felt like if their wedding was in the summer that it would be easier for people to book time off. They also wouldn't need to deal with the stress of school, and they could focus all their energy into their wedding.

Yoongi's mind was already reeling with what would come after their wedding as well. He knew he was jumping that far ahead - Han was only in his third year of med school, and he himself was only just starting university - but he couldn't help it. He was excited. Yoongi was hoping that they could get a house in the next year. He didn't need anything fancy, but a backyard for Holly would be nice. He wanted out of their small apartment. He wanted something different for this new chapter of their lives.

But the part Yoongi was most excited for was the possibility that he and Han could has a family. Neither of them had been brave enough to bring up the topic of kids, but it was there, gnawing in the back of their minds. Yoongi planned to ask him when they returned him. He knew that he wanted two kids, one boy and one girl. He also knew that he wanted to be a stay at home dad. Yoongi had never felt like he was smart enough for school, and he had no idea what sort of job he wanted to pursue, but the idea of staying at home with his future kids made him happy.

Han on the other hand wanted five kids - although he wasn't sure how Yoongi would feel about this. Maybe they could compromise with three. He didn't care if they were all boys, all girls or a mixture of both. He would be happy regardless.

There were so many things Han wondered when it came to kids. Would they adopt or have a surrogate mother? Would they adopt younger or older? Han liked the idea of adopting a teen. They wouldn't get to experience the joys of having a newborn, but it would be just as rewarding.

Han glanced over at Yoongi, who was still staring out the window of the car. He smiled softly to himself. He was so excited to share his life with Yoongi.

Life seemed to be flying past the two of them. Their lives weren't the only thing changing. Jungkook was changing too. He'd come a long way from the shy twelve year old that Yoongi had met on that platform. He was fifteen years old now, but in their eyes he'd always be a baby. He hadn't outgrown the bunny smile, and Yooni teased him about it every chance he got. And while Jungkook pretended to be tough, he couldn't with them. Jungkook liked being babied by them, and he had Yoongi especially wrapped around his finger. It was obvious to Yoongi that Han wasn't ready to let his baby brother grow up any time soon. Every day he grew more independent, and eventually he would be an adult with dreams and aspirations of his own. Han didn't want Jungkook to grow up just yet.

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