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"accidents happen,"


JIMIN HAD NEVER BEEN THE TYPE OF PERSON WHO WORRIED ABOUT THINGS. As a child, and early teen, he had been a bit of an optimist, and tried to look at things in a positive light, rather than worry about all the bad things that could possibly happen. But ever since he'd become a father, Jimin worried. A lot. It was natural, of course, to worry so much about your child. His parents had worried a lot about him and his brother when they were still kids, and even now, they worried, but Jimin didn't realize how much worrying he really did. The older Jae got, the more he worried, and it was often about the silliest things (in his opinion), but he couldn't help it. He just wanted her to be safe.

Jimin's biggest fear was that one day Jae was going to get hurt. That all of his hard work and cautiousness wasn't going to be enough, and that something was going to happen. And now, as he sat in the front seat of his car, driving down the highway, his worst fear had become a reality. And it was all Yuri's fault.

Blaming Yuri might be too harsh, but in that moment, Jimin simply did not care about Yuri. What he cared about was his daughter and whether or not she was okay. Jimin didn't understand how Jae could have gotten hurt. It was only nine in the morning. Jae got up around seven, meaning she had only been up for two hours, and asleep for the other hours since her arrival. Yuri had the simplest of instructions - watch Jae until he came home. It didn't seem like it was that hard of a task. He knew he shouldn't have left her with Jae, that he should have called Hwan, or Taehyung or even his parents, but he thought she could handle it. He thought she deserved a chance, but this was the last time that he was ever going to leave Jae alone with her, because clearly she couldn't handle it.

He was going through a range of emotions as he drove; anger, frustrations, disappointment, nervousness. His lips were pursed, and they stayed like that - in a thin line - as he drove, eyes narrowed and his heart beating aggressively in his chest. It didn't help that they got caught up in morning traffic. Every second that he was apart from Jae drove him mad with fear that something was going to go wrong, and that she wasn't okay. The only thing that did help was having Yoongi there with him, in the passenger seat of his car. Yoongi's hand rested on his thigh - a little too high up to be in a calming manner - but the fact that it was there was what helped calm him down immensely.

Yoongi was just as visibly upset as Jimin was upon hearing that Jae was in the hospital. She was not his daughter, but Yoongi was at the point where he did think of Jae as being his, which was odd because he and Jimin weren't even a couple. Jae thought they were, and neither of them had the heart to correct her, but even then, Yoongi still looked at Jae as if she were his, and he cared about her well being just like her father. If anything, his heart was pounding faster in his chest than Jimin's was. Yoongi had been in and out of hospitals enough to know that he hated them, and to know that it broke his heart to see the people that he loved having to go through something that involved them being there. It was hard enough for him to have to take Jungkook to the hospital, and watch him freak out everytime, that he wasn't exactly sure how well he'd be able to handle seeing Jae there. She was just a baby. Hell, he wasn't sure how well Jimin was going to do. She was his daughter after all.

Yoongi doesn't remember the last time he was in the hospital. He tried not to remember those days, and isn't interested in being reminded of them. He can feel the panic creeping up in him as Jimin dragged him frantically through the hospital doors. He wants to break free and run back outside in the opposite direction, but for Jimin's sake - and Jae's - he pushed aside his anxiety, took several deep breaths, and stayed by Jimin's side.

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