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Update on Asia's quirk " One Punch". Change of power, if Asia uses 1 million percent she will destroy the city.  That makes more sense. Enjoy


I arrived home from a tired and irritated day of school. I walked in a let my mom and dad know that I have arrived safely from school.

When I got the response that they were in the kitchen, and they told me to come tell them how my day went—I sighed with visible stress on my face. A frown rested on my face as I stood at the kitchen opening.

" Awwwww what happened to my baby"
my mom cooed like I was some toddler. Walking up to me and grabbing my cheeks.
Obviously pout on my face answered that school didn't go too well.

My dad stood with curiosity all over his face. " What happened Asia? Did someone mess with you" l

I looked at him with a tilted head, huffing dejectedly. " That's not the worse part"

Oooooooo, I was going to tell the everything that happened. They sat down curiously to what story I had ready for them.

" So today was basic when I got to school. Same old, quirk test which I got fifth place in. Out of the 21 of us.  But the best part is that there are two boys; Todoroki, and Bakugo"

My dads brows furrowed at the mention of boys. Obviously I never shared my relationship life with my parents—not that I've ever had one. But no matter how close we are right now, it was definitely a private talk. But before he could start questioning me I cut him off.

" But wait. Wait. That's not it. One of them—Bakugo, thinks that he's the best person ever, and has biggest ego. Like it's for real concerning! So I may, or may have not, declared a war with him on who would do best. He is an angry kid who thinks he's better than everyone, so I kinda had to."

I shrugged. Rubbing the pads of my finger on my scalp. I was very irritated at the thought of Bakugo already. He got the last words today, no mater how I hate to admit that.
My dad looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"There is a difference between knowing that you're strong, and saying it out loud. Then there's not being strong, and saying it out loud. I hope you're having competition with him if you know he's strong. Don't compete with naive people who you know are easy. It proves nothing in the end Asia. It will only make you self cautious. "I can tell he wasn't trying to sound offensive.

He's basically telling me that I should only go after people who are genuinely strong, like
" fight someone your own size!"
But this time power wise. 

I hastily nodded my head at my dads words.
" Yes he is very strong, but that's why I want to compete with him. I can tell by looking at him that he grew up thinking he was better than everyone. I want to destroy his ego, it will only push him harder."

I didn't plan on doing anything with Bakugo, besides proving to him that he wasn't above everybody else. He will eventually stop having to stop looking down on everyone, and look forward because soon everyone will be passing him.

It will destroy him if he finds out like that. So it's better he excepts it now, than finds out later. Right?

He'll have nothing else to do but train to get "back on top", when he sadly was never on the top. It will eat him alive. 

" Either way Asia, you better prove to him. Whatever your trying to prove to this kid is clearly deeper than competition. I can tell. But you better make sure you do it gracefully. Else you will also be brought down blindly"
—Was it so hard to just agree with me?

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