Exams part 3

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Hair is messy like this^
I believe this is going to be 4-5 chapters  max. I apologize for making one anime event so long, like the sports festival. Author apologizing!


Uraraka hung onto the object with dear life. She could feel herself being sucked into the black hole more as the seconds went by. Suddenly after her faze about the green hair boy, she out of shock and surprise let go of the object she was holding onto for support.

As she began to unintentionally get sucked into Thirteen's black hole. She let out a mental scream as she realized what was going on. While Asia and Deku were discussing what could have possibly made her so distracted.

" you shouldn't fight in your opponents field. Instead make sure you have the advantage, got it" her interned hero told her. A vision of what she learned at her internship flashed in her mind

A look of determination quickly set into her face, as she slowly began to block away the question that was distracting her.

Is it because you like him?

Shaking her head, she quickly swung her leg back gaining enough power to push her body forward. Successfully landing a swing on the pro hero. It makes sense to say that the pro heroes weakness was hand to hand combat. With a quirk like that, no one in their right mind would want to possibly get in her range.

She grabbed Thirteens wrist in one swift move, Asia mentally cheering her friend for her clean attacks that warmed her soul.
" where did that come form!?" Thirteen questioned, making it clear she wasn't expecting close ranged attacks.

Navel Laser advanced to Thirteen catching her other wrist in his hand, restraining the hero from any movements. Uraraka violently cuffed her wrist. Her face looked like a whole different person.

Recalling the lessons she learned from Gun Head, and how it happened to come in handy during this battle.

It's safe to say that their win was out of luck to be honest. If Uraraka hadn't got distracted she wouldn't have won. If Navel dude hadn't distracted his partner with such a useless question during battle, they also would have lost.

But yet, if her leg wasn't already out to land that kick. They wouldn't have won. They won off of Uraraka's defense  lessons.
They won off the unexpected.

" they won of the unexpected..." Asia trailed off a after hearing and seeing that Uraraka and Navel dude had won. Izuku raised an eyebrow at her " oh really?" He said Turing his attention to Asuii and Asia.
" yeah they were talking" Asuii said shocked herself holding her chin, as Asia nodded her head still staring at the monitor.

" I wonder what they were talking about that got her sooo... shook." The girl said letting her mind trail off.
" who knows. Too bad we can't hear the conversations." Izuku said giving the girls hand a little squeeze which took her by surprise.

Iida and Momo walked into the monitor room, each earning congrats a from the three. " well now that this team is over which team is digging next?" Asuii asked Asia and Momo. " Ashido and Kaminari are up next for battle. They are going to have to fight against Principle Nezu" Momo answered.

Asias eyes widened. Though she wasn't familiar with his quirk, and what he could do. She was confused on how exactly he would control the two, and how the two would control him.
Though she was sure that his quirk had something to do with his intelligence.

" The Principal of our school.... rare we get to see someone like him in action" Izuku mumbled to Asia, in which she returned her answer with a small nod.

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