It was given to HER.

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" All For One" All Might spoke with a tinge of spite in his voice. Standing still as he watched the villain. The villain that he had a long history with.

The villain that his quirk was created to end. The villain that killed his mentor. The villain that he lost his quirk to. The villain that put his only daughter and child in a hospital bed.

The stare they shared with each other was intense. Though you couldn't recognize All For Ones face much, due to the damage All Might had done in the past. You could tell he had a smirk on his deformed face.

But for him, seeing the number one hero. The person that had the quirks that his brother decided to pass on. The former Symbol Of hope, the smiling hero. Seeing him in such a state, knowing it was because of their fight made him feel a way.

At least he was chained and supervised like a new discovered species for a reason.

Because All Might suffered damage as well.

Know matter how much he doesn't want to admit it. The hero world will crumble slowly now that the symbol of peace was retired. He can already imagine it.

The heroes will struggle with keeping small thugs away from harming the city or Japan. The heroes will struggle with keeping their own problems away from the media.

Everything is slowly going how he wants. Even if he's not controlling it.

Elsewhere in Japan ~

" You." A gruff voice called out, shocking the green headed boy who was on his phone. He gasped slightly as he looked up, already knowing who the voice belonged to.
Of course he was correct, Bakugo Katsuki was walking right to him.

" meet me up front later" he spoke as he passed him. It seemed like everything was going in slow motion, his eyes widening at his next sentence. " we need to have a talk about your quirk." Was all he said.

~ Back to original setting

" the second semester should be starting soon. Or I assume it has already started? You should be devoting yourself now to parenting and teaching now." He spoke to the hero in his muffled voice. Making sure to put an emphasis on ' parenting'.

All might stared blankly at him. Obviously not happy with the words he was spewing out of his mouth.

" but yet you have come to visit me." He says sinisterly with a small laugh. A laugh that wouldn't have been heard if it wasn't for the muffled room around him.

" I'm here to get a few things straight..." All might spoke sternly. There was so much going through his mind that he wanted to talk about. All of them tailing back to this man, and the past.

With the news he just found out, and his own questions that he wishes to ask. He needs to talk to no other but the man who started it. The man who sits in the same room as him right now.

" All For One." He said as his voice lowered. Like the name that he just uttered were forbidden. Like the three words are not supposed to be said.

" do you know how stifling this place is, All Might?" He questioned. " if I so happen to scratch an inch of my body, by rubbing against this chair. Than every gun block in my cell suddenly points at me" he spoke with obvious fake amusement.

" my brain waves are constantly being monitored." He finished as the cameras in the room clicked, keeping an obvious eye on him.
They couldn't afford to let him move in the slightest. It would be terrible if he ended up escaping in all honesty.

Passed Down Child ( BNHA)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن