Why continue sleeping?

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One week later ~

It's been a week since the dorms situation, since they asked the parents of the students for consent. It's also been a couple days since the doctors finally announced that Asia Emiyo can now have visitors.

It doesn't mean she got much better, but her breathing has improved slightly. Not enough to deem her healthy and good. But enough for people to visit her.

Either way, Asias mom would have came to visit her anyways. She was her foster mother, and she wasn't listening to the doctors when they strictly told her not to talk about the young girl.

She didn't take the doctors serious.

The news of Asias condition spread across Class 1-A faster than expected. It was the day they said that she was allowed to have visitors, though it was only met for family.

When they announced that people could visit the student, it was only family allowed. Which means her teachers and friends were not allowed to come.

Though her foster mom and dad visited her first, and nearly spent hours talking to her. Placing flowers near the windows, putting food stickers on the window, and cleaning the hospital room thoroughly for her.

They would eat and talk to her as they watched her soft breathing that came every once and a while. They couldn't help but notice how her eye lids moved around, almost like she was having some sort of nightmare.

Like when Asia was much younger and would sometimes wake up with tears on her face. But that was much different than now.

The young girl would cry due to her trauma when she was young. She would remember the awful little boy who would accuse her of wrong stuff for the fun of it. He enjoyed seeing the hurt in her face when she would stare between his parents and him.

The child that knew she wasn't his real sister, and was someone that his parents bought for whatever reason. The same boy who would take extra food just so she could have less.

Especially because he knew she couldn't take seconds. She was punished for taking more food, they strongly believed they gave the small girl more than enough food.

Than there was the parents of the boy who would beat her terribly and leave marks all over her soft skin. The way her skin would become red every time, or how the tears would run off her face once they left the room.

Being taught at a young age not to cry unless you want more.

Or that you only cry when you lose a limb, a loved one, or when something good happens in your life. Besides these events, crying was for the weak.

That was incredibly false. With a lot of work, the Emiyos were able to change that idea that has been burned into her brain. Though it still is uncommon for her to cry, at least not in front of people.

So for her to have nightmares about these situations that she was put in as a child is expected. But in the hospital room, when her eye lids would move around. Maybe meaning that her eyes were looking everywhere, like she was in her own world.

She didn't look much at peace at all.

Soon enough All Might came to visit, and brought Young Midoriya with him. The poor boys eyes were already glossy as he thought about how she might look.

His no nights of sleep. Staying  on his phone with his head pressed against his pillow.

Hoping that the news would say something about Asias condition, or any victims in general. But they didn't, the only thing broadcasting was All Mights fight.

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