Am I not Worthy Asia!?

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I sighed as I looked at Bakugo. Looking down at my brownies disappointed. I wasn't mad at him or anything, but at the same time I wanted to be alone. Even if a classmate was to come up to me now, Bakugo would be my least expected.

He didn't have his regular scowl on his face, nor did he look angry. But his face just looked neutral. He slowly walked up to me his hands stuffed deep in his pant pockets. He took a good look at me, before he slowly sat himself down.

As much as I wanted to question him, I didn't. So I looked at him with scrunched eyebrows before going back to my brownies. I carefully picked a brownie up and took a small bite, melting at the chocolate goodness in my mouth.

I slowly turned to Bakugo, really questioning his purpose here. But to my surprise, he was already staring at me. Some sort of look of confusion rested on his face.
" oi bush girl. At the sports festival..." he began, but I quickly cut him off.

" Bakugo don't sweat about that. It was the sports festival after all. Everyone was watching, I expected it." I said aging him off, taking another bite into my big brownie.

" DONT CUT ME OFFF!" He yelled. Almost immediately I covered my face with my hands. I refuse to be publicly embarrassed like this by Bakugo. It's fun upsetting him in school, but public is a big no.

" you know what Bakugo, if your here to yell kindly leave. I specifically came here to get peace and quiet while o eat my favourite dessert. So please lower your voice." I said irritation ringing in my voice.

It was obvious to tell that I was annoyed by his loudness. If he doesn't shut up, that's I'll just leave myself.

I could hear him take a deep breath, as he remained sulked in his chair. " Matter of fact Bakugo, why exactly were your restrained on the podium?" I asked curiously.
" you do realize how idiotic you looked right?" I said.

" HUH! IM NOT AN IDIOT-" he immediately shut up when he seen my harsh glare, reminding him about what I said earlier.
" tch. I was going to actually confront you about that." He said with a huff.

My eyebrows furrowed as I chewed the brownie in my mouth. Clearing my throat I spoke " you were going to ask me about you being chained up?" I said completely lost at where this was going.

" No idiot. I.... I was curious about our match" he said crossing his arms. " I know we could have fought longer. Especially you. So why did you..... stop." He asked more to himself.

I casually waited. Knowing that he wasn't finished speaking just yet. I could tell when people have stuff on their minds and meet to vent. I could tell when people are conversing with someone, yet they are more so talking with themselves than them.
That is what was happening right now.

" SAY SOMETHING! What do you think I'm not strong enough for your damn power?!" He said going back to being angry. I ignored his yells, but instead I got up and pulled his arm towards a closed off grass place.

" h-hey where are we going!" He asked beyond confused. " shhh. I know you have a lot to say, so let's talk out of public. After all I did tell you that I would leave if you yelled. But it seems that you need to vent." I responded. I could see his face soften for a moment, as he went back to thinking to himself.

" first let's go buy more snacks quickly." I said pulling him to the near by store.

Time skip!

We were walking back to the forest quietly, after we just got a couple of munchies. I knew this was going to be a long conversation. And out of respect, I always find myself losing attention when someone is speaking to me. So I have shacks this time to stop that. In other words, something to occupy myself with.

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