I could have saved her!

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As I felt myself fading in and out of consciousness, I remembered the words that Toumara Shigaraki said to me.

" you should be more careful. Because the next time we meet, I will likely have to kill you."

The summer training camp that everyone was looking forward to, ended in compete chaos.

It couldn't have been more of an disaster.


" when are you going to open the gateee!" The reporters shouted outside the campus of the famous prestigious high school, UA high.

" we hear your silence! When can we expect an official statement from UA's administration!!?" A lady shouted clearly frustrated.

" has anyone been in contact with the families of the children you have allowed to be endangered!??" Another reporter asked

To say people were livid is an understatement. Many would be upset if they found out their child or children were kidnapped, hurt, or injured severely at the school training camp due to a villain attack.

Yes this is good experience for the kids, but this is too far. It's good for them to know how to handle these situations like a hero would. But unexpected attacks like these is no excuse for training.

This attack was well thought out and put a lot of students in danger. Considering that now it's clear that the villains are after people's kids, and even have a kill list. Any parent would become overly cautious of the school they are enrolling their kids in.

The empty school of UA couldn't look more gloomy than what it was.

" that training camp was meant to prepare students to handle villain attacks. The irony is shameful. We knew the league would resurface, but we lacked a fundamental understanding of their plans. They aim to destroy hero society, and they have already started their war." Nezu spoke.

The league was so good at covering their plans of the villain attack at the camp. They have lots of goals but they need to the players for their games.

They were able to hide out in the world and regenerate from their last attack, than hopped right back in the game with no problem. In a quick move of the chess piece, they snatched what they needed and left once again.

But this time they aren't going to play their move and leave.

The game still continues till one side is declared the winner.

" even if we had understood, could we really have avoided this attack?" Midnight asked as they sat in the conference room of UA.
" their moving pieces that we didn't even know they possessed. Besides, All Might went out and put an end to most organized crimes. We are all rusty"

" we did get complacent during peaceful times without realizing it. I guess deep down all of us thought that we would be riding the sweet life for good." Present mic spoke.

A distressed All Might grabbed at his golden locks. He knows how much All For One was looking for the power of One Punch. He could definitely be the strongest with that quirk and his others.

Than it so happens that young Asia Emiyo/ Asia Toshinori happens to be the current user of the chosen and gifted power.

" I will never forgive myself for such cowardly ignorance. While our students were fighting desperately for their lives, I was just.... having a relaxing soak in the bath." He spoke. It was obvious the he was stressed out with everything.

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