Its because He loves her.

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Long sad chapter ahead, grab your tissues


( que music, I got you it's an hour loop) A couple days later~

" Asia...." Izuku mumbled as he stood in the hospital holding flowers in his hand. The whole class had agreed to come, that including the secretly guilty Bakugo Katsuki.

Everyone had brought something, wether it was a letter of a small note. Some even brought items, like Kiri. Who bought Asia Plants Vs Zombies for when she wakes up.

Though some of the class found it funny that he bought her a game. Izuku, Shoto, and Uraraka both know how much the girl enjoys video games. Horror being one of the genres she likes.

It's not that the angry blonde was forced to come along, he actually came along  from his own will. He planned on coming from the start, since he feels like he could have changed the outcome of what happened.

He hasn't had much time to think of himself, self problems. But the next weeks are going to be filled with hero training for the exams, so this is the perfect time for the class to pay their respect.

Though Sero teased him about coming as well, and he tried to say that he just tagged along with them since EVERYONE was going. He had an idea of visiting her for a while, but he would never admit that.

He would let them think what they wanted with his actions, though they wouldn't dare say it to his face. After all, there was nothing funny about him wanting to visit his injured classmate. Especially since she played a big roll in the class. One being opinions.

That was something he had to admit.

Asia was strong, it would be sad if after her encounter with the super villain, she happened to lose her ability to become a hero.
She's strong, real strong. Her power could be a real help to society.

But he still planned on being number one.
Friendly competition isn't too bad....

Aizawa talked to the people at the front desk. Everyone in the hospital was there for different reasons, all there to see the people they care about.

Maybe one last time, or send them off to another land above.

The students couldn't help but notice the grim faces of the families who got bad news.
' will that be our faces?' They thought curiously as they sat in the waiting room.

" guys... Asia will be fine" Uraraka said in more of a questioning voice, almost like she was trying to reassure them and herself. Bakugo looked up at her with an irritated expression.

Removing his weight from the pillar he was leaning on, and crossed his arms.

" tch. If your going to say something, at least try to sound certain," he grumbled under his breath as he stared down at his letter. He didn't want to speak to her, since he thinks it's pointless if she's asleep anyways. But he doesn't know when exactly she will wake up to read his letter.

" alright guys, get your stuff so we can go." Aizawa said as he nodded his head down the hall where the elevator was. They quickly nodded their heads and scrambled to their feet. Izuku and Shoto walking next to each other, both nervous.

It was going to be his first time seeing his best friend, someone he greatly considered his closest. Openly talked about his family problems to, while Asia talked about her personal feelings to him.

He held two letters and a bear in his hand. A dark rich teddy bear that would remind her of brownies. The time Asia ate brownies on the bus to their interns. That goofy smile while she told him not to ask why she eats a lot.

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