Obstacle Race

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I don't need to say how this will go. You'll see for you're self....


As soon as it said go, it was a rampage.

The tunnel was too narrow for all of us to go down perfectly. If we did, it would end up like what happened at the security breech. All the students were trying to get through all at once like idiots.

I shook my head. The kids were much taller than me, so I needed to come up with a plan. Got it!
Activating Heat Force Steam, I blinded everyone's vision as I ran and jumped over Everyone. No one was able to see me, due to the blinding Smoke and steam in the air.

What the hell

Who hit my shoulder!

Oi! Who is the extra doing this!

I smiled knowing that no one could currently see me.
I can't fall behind!
Making my way towards the front, now taking the lead. I felt a sudden burst of cold air.
I know exactly who that is.

Obviously because my body is currently steaming with heat, the ice melted at his attempt of trying to freeze and paralyze me.

He is making competition already huh. He never really showed this much determination when I would talk to him about the sports festival. It's clear he's giving his all. I won't let him get it easy because he's my best friend.
Since it's obvious he isn't giving me that treatment either.

I turn around to see Todoroki glaring at me. So he's being hella serious?
I was able to catch a glimpse of the other students that were just breaking free from his ice attack with their own quirks.

He didn't just attack me, but everyone else as well. It's obvious he wants this to be 1 v 1 battle.

" Todoroki... what makes you think  that using ice on me while I'm covered in heat is going work?" I said sweetly and shocked at his dumb action. Like literally that's stupid.
My heat is strong. His ice is strong, but he can't overpower my degrees.

Todoroki gave me a cold glare at my comment. I'm honestly trying to look out for him, he needs to think before an attack.
If I do end up making it that far into the Sports festival, and Todoroko happens to as well. If we go against each other, he won't take a chance with his ice only.

So I think his plan is to defeat me now, incase something like that happens.
" I expected such from your heat. Though how hot can it get without you getting hot with it?"
He spoke with a big smirk on his Face. He's trying to get me to reach my limits, and reach them quick. Because he knows that if I can't use Heat force anymore, I would have to use One Punch

Did he study how to defeat both my quirks or something?

I had a big comeback to his Comment, but he's my best friend at the end.
Me saying " and how long can your ice put up with my steam. Perhaps you'll need some steam as well..."
though that would be throwing his whole situation in his Face. I can't do that.

So I continued running along the way, gradually getting faster.

Behind us was Mineta, who was bouncing over with his sticky balls. Laughing like a maniac. " I've outwitted you Todoroki!!" He said.  Does he really think it's that easy...

I think he was planning on sticking himself to me or Todoroki, but that plan failed almost instantly.  Todoroki was currently paying attention to Mineta, since he probably has a sense of his plan like me.

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