Stain: Discovered Truth

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I personally think I write better in No Ones Pov


The group explored Hosu city along with Endeavor and his Side Kicks. They patrolled along the city, Asia occasionally pushing Shoto to different children. Attempting to get the fellow hero in training to communicate with children.

But along their way they could hear screaming from a distance. The group began to run, as they could spot the site of big Nomus and fires setting across the city. They could see other heroes at the scene. Though it was obvious their quirks wasn't fit for a Nomu's power.

Sprinting to the scene with Endeavor leading. Suddenly Asia and Shoto stoped running, as the number two hero could hear a minus of footsteps from behind him.

Asia looked at her phone only to see that Izuku had sent her his location. She quirked her eyebrow immediately turning around to face the white and red headed boy.

" Asia.... it's Midoriya" the boy spoke confused. He raised his eyebrow to make eye contact with his best friend. " he sent-" he started, but before he could finish his sentence, the girl was already sprinting her way to her dear ones location.

" Wait, Asia!" Shoto yelled confused if he should follow her so suddenly. He looked back at his father and then his best friend. She was getting farther by each step she took. Following his instincts, he too began to ran in her direction. Attempting to catch up to her due to the weird information share from their friend.

Endeavor stopped running telling his side kicks to continue the way. He could feel a sudden minus of footsteps of the only people that were behind him. He was indeed correct. He saw the irritating view of his two interns running in the opposite direction of him.

" WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS GOINGGG!!!" Endeavor yelled, his face visibly turning red from shock and anger.

" Our friend is in danger!" Asia quickly responded. Not bothering to turn around or stop her movements in the slightest.
" When your done, send help to ....." the half and half coloured boy said. Finishing his dear friends sentence.

They continued running through the streets, not showing a bit of exhaustion. The adrenaline in Asia's veins were high. The mention of Izuku even getting hurt in the slightest scared her. She felt like she could run forever.

There was multiple explosions booming through the streets of Hosu city. As civilians ran and screamed at the terrifying creatures bombarding the place. People ran the opposite direction of the two. While  they desperately tried to get to the the danger zone.

" Crap" Asia mumbled, as she saw the view of Iida laying on the ground, and Deku getting attacked.

Thinking of a quick plan, Asia threw boiling water at the hero killer. Knowing he would move to the side, both her and Shoto dashed flames at his direction.
Following their hopes, Stain ended up jumping right in the heat. Immediately burning himself as Asia didn't bother making her temperature low.

He jumped backwards, slightly hissing at the heat forming all over his side. Angrily he looked up to see two see two more brats. " Izuku!!" Asia called out. Pointing her palm at both sides of the Hero Killer.

" next time send more details. We almost didn't make it here on time." Shoto said, sending a ice attack to Stain.
" move him opposite!" Asia yelled to Shoto. Complying, he began to corner the hero killer in the opposite direction of Iida and Deku. Giving them time to revive themselves.

" A-Asia?! Todoroki!?" Iida yelled out. Shock written in his face that they were here to help as well.

" Asia! Todoroki! Please be carful Asia! He can get you by tasting your blood! Now we can't move, and that's how he got us! Don't let him get your blood!" Izuku shouted. As slight fear lingered in his voice.

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