I could have done something

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Wasn't able to properly edit this chapter so excuse me!!


My head, it hurt. Everything was so blurry from my vision, to my hearing, then the hallucinations. Who was that woman? Why was I seeing her? It's all so confusing but it makes sense.

I can understand clearly that the villains were after me, and succeeded with getting me sadly.
If someone was to realize me earlier, would I be in the position right now? Would I be in a pitch black interior? I don't think so.

I don't want to blame any of my friends for what happened to me. But why was everyone so slow? Time was moving so.... abnormal in some way.

Like it felt like everything was slow around me before I was captured. Than it felt like everything was fast when I began to realize in the forest that I was alone. It probably felt good for the villains to get such an easy win on me.

I can clearly remember having no energy at all, my head throbbed with pain. But at the same time, it was indeed my fault that I needed up in the pain I was in. I could have just easily walked through the forest trusting Iida as the class rep. But instead I kept my quirk on.

I thought I mastered One Punch at 10% because of how much I have been using it now. Just for me to realize at the worst time that I over did it. It didn't take long in the start because of my test maybe.

Either way, this whole situation is and was an nightmare.


The classes now knew that they were allowed to engage in combat, they could fight these villains with their quirks. No punishment at all. With Soji struggling, Izuku has now stopped in front of his friend who happened to be missing a limb.

The green headed boy was bloodied, Purple, and his eyes looked sloppy almost.  He should definitely be in bed resting with Recovery girl. He had totally failed to realize that after all of his running, he hasn't once seen Asia.

He saw Iida's group arrive, but he was more than sure that Asia went along with Iida's group. But he payed no mind to it. He was overestimating her strength and energy to be exact. 

Knowing that she had the ability to manipulate heat and destroy things with One punch, he was way too sure that she would be okay on her own.

But look at her now. Trapped in a marble, her last thought was the villain, her last sight was the hallucinations. Maybe there was a hallucinating quirk? No. She heard most of their conversation for quite a while.
Them going back and forth on why she was so weak.

With dark shadow out of control, everyone was struggling with their own battles. Completely discarding their missing friend.

" STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOULL DIE!" Tokoyami yelled out in panic and fear. He was trapped with Dark Shadow, who was out of control and doing his own thing.

Izuku stared up with worry at his fellow friend, of course feeling the need to help him out. Even with his broken bones and beat up state he felt the need to protect and help everyone. The adrenaline in him was wearing out, and when it does wear out he will pass out.

Either due to pain or exhaustion. Than he will find out that his dear crush was secretly kidnapped. The look on everyone's face might be entertaining. Some might be shocked, sad, mad, depressed, and most importantly... regretful.

With Shoto and Bakugo fighting the metal teeth villain, everyone was occupied.
A big explosion set through the forest, as Dark shadow deadly ripped through everything in his path.

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