Lets make a deal: Sacrifice

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( inn going to be very busy this week, but chapters will be updated like usual. Because ya girl got drafts! It's just due to homework and stuff🙂)

{ heroes would sacrifice you to save the world, while villains would sacrifice the world to save you }


With UA being treated like irresponsible villains by the media, Asia Emiyo and Katsuki Bakugo watched in the room carefully.

The students of four were currently in disguises   to blend in with the crowd as they watched the interview on the streets. The questions they were asking their teachers were setting them up for failure.

Questions like " what about the kids who were kidnapped?" How was UA supposed to explain about the children they allowed to be stolen right under their supervision.

Civilians are the real villains in society. Always relying on heroes for every little deed. Even something simple as helping a child on the street, they won't because the " heroes and police will do it".

Civilians have lost their way of providing help for others with their open nasty opinions, and extreme ignorance. They rely too much on heroes on an everyday basis, that when a hero fails they crumble all of the debris onto them.

People have forgotten that villains make the heroes. If it wasn't for villains doing bad and causing crime, than there would be no such thing as heroes. Because what are heroes protecting the citizens from?

There's no bad guys. So the job of a hero would be completely useless.

Civilians tend to forget this a lot. Of course bad things are going to happen. Heroes don't take away all the bad things that are going on, they simply hide it from the media than deal with it.

With the league of villains trending and making a name for themselves, of course the media would eventually find out. This is simply something that heroes can't sweep under the rug, especially now that they are targeting students.

Heroes will have to have a war against the villains. Even if the civilians like it or not. 

Tomura turned off the tv that was playing in the bar, slowly turning to the two students behind him. " isn't that strange?" He snugly said as he stared at them.

" the heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like their not dealing with things very well at all" he said amused as the other villains crowded the bar, making it cramped.

" so much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two right? It's not like they are supposed to be perfect. Modern day heroes sure have it rough. Don't you think Emiyo, and Bakugo" he asked the two.

Asias gaze remained on the ground. In this situation she knew better than to talk in a room filled with many villains.

" a hero in this current system only cares about money and glory. Since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser is shove aside" he spoke.

Asias head immediately raised as she can recall how Izuku was quirk less before All Might gave him a quirk. He wasn't so wrong on that part.
" so we want to pose some questions" he calmly declared.

" what is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon, everyone will be asking" he said honestly. Although they were villains, Asia agreed with every word he said in that sentence.  Mentally answering his questions.

A hero is someone who protects others with their life. A selfless person who won't hesitate to jump into action.

Justice is giving the right and wrong the correct punishment. The villain isn't always the bad guy.

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