Name of A Hero

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. OHHH AND BY THE WAY, by the time I'm writing this chapter I just found out that we hit 1k reads, and I couldn't be more happy.

Reason being that " I found out now", while you guys found out before. Is specifically because I always have 4 extra written chapters saved in draft already. Waiting to be posted day by day.


As the days passed on from the students of UA's break , everyone was heading back to school. People were now healed from their injuries. Because of the sports festival being broadcasted on TV, most people's attention was placed on Class 1-A. Since it was mostly that class that placed at the top.

Needless to say, many heroes had their eye on Asia. Her strategy, her determination, and her cool powerful quirk! It's was almost like everyone knew she would get offered.

As Asia walked the halls of the big school. Some students would stop and congratulate her, some would glare, and mostly some would stare at her with worry in their eyes.

Asia walked into her classroom. Her hair purposely covering the sides of her face and her ears.
" Morning Asia!" Kiri yelled from across the class, in which I returned with a small wave.

" your healed from those injuries huh? Bakugo sure took a tole on you..." he said, making me squint my eyebrows. Did everyone forget about the dudes back? She thought to herself.


"Yeah he did...." I said glancing at Bakugo, which he returned with a stare of his own. Although this time his stare didn't hold any negative or harsh feelings.  The slight memory of our little hang out resurfacing in my head.

" I think I did a number on his back though." I said smartly, wanting to irk Bakugo. Like I wanted, he furiously slammed his hand on the desk and began his yelling fiasco.

" HA! HOW ABOUT I GIVE YOU A BRUISE TO YOUR BACK HUH!" Bakugo yelled. I flipped him off with a smart smile " oh. The same one on your back? I'll punch you before you could do it." I said rolling my eyes knowing that it was upsetting him.

" SHUT YOUR MOUTH! ILL EXPLODE YOU TO PEICES BEFORE YOU COULD LAND A PUNCH ON ME!" He yelled. At his point I'm pretty sure everyone could see the veins popping from his head.

" pshh. I'll just turn heat proof and place some meteorites if you know what I mean" I said a big grin plastered on my face. As some people in the class began to silently laugh    

I knew my comment would annoy him and make him mad, considering that that was one of the strategy's I used during the festival on Bakugo. 
And he knows now.

He knows what would happen if he exploded a meteorite.

What happened to him at the festival, Will happen again.

I walked to my seat, passing a flaming Bakugo. Who made an attempt to grab my hand, but ended up rubbing against my....
you know what, good thing no one saw it.

But he immediately shut up due to embarrassment. I waved at Shoto who gave me an head nod, with his lips tugging at his face to let them smile. I turned around and saw that Aizawa walked into class which immediately shut everyone's conversations down.

I took notice that Aizawa was no longer wrapped in his bandages, but now had a deep crescent looking scar under his eye. Right eye,  I believed.

He cleared his throat before speaking
" today we'll be having a special hero informatics class today. You'll be deciding on hero names" he says which caused our entire class to erupt with cheers of excitement.

Passed Down Child ( BNHA)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora