So much has been lost,: Ultimate Moves

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This chapter follows the episode, but the next chapter will jump to the next event in the season.


One week later~ a total of two weeks since the incident:

" I'll do my best!" Izuku shouted as he jolted up from his sleep. He had his fist clenched tightly, and his jaw was shut as he gritted the words out. His eyes dilated in the dark not familiar room, as he peered around.

Of course his dream was about the conversation him and All Might had on the beach after his fight with All for One. Asia rang in his head as he saw her desperate eyes of help.

He was going to try and do his best with training so he can get strong. It wouldn't be long before the class would be allowed to visit the girl. So for now he would focus on getting stronger, that way he would be able to protect those he cares about.

Asia Emiyo being one of them.

" huh... this isn't..." he said as his eyes peered around the room. Due to his dream about the current event, he was expecting to wake up on the beach with All Might. A photo of Asia and him, that was taken on her phone rested on the wall beside his bed.

He got it recently when he asked Asias mom at the hospital to let him see her phone for a moment. Of course they said yes, and he simply explained that he wanted to print a picture of them.

Her mom not prying in on it farther, already knew that it was the " Izuku Midoriya, AKA Deku, when Asia wanted to hide his name" boy. Knowing Asia trusts him, and that he and her have something building up. They let the kind green headed boy have her phone.

With that following, he went and got the picture printed to a frame. Deciding to put the picture up in his new dorm room, once the tours finished.

It's not that he didn't want anyone to see it, but the topic of Asia was a sensitive one for him. He didn't like the looks of pity he received sometimes from his classmates when she was mentioned. Or the whispers of the students in UA who somehow found out.

How they would clutch their bags a little tighter when him and Uraraka would walk by. " I heard those two were really close to her" some voices would try to quietly say. Of course the two ignored, but for how long?

" yeah... maybe they know.." the person would respond in a pitied tone. They would just shrug  the people off and continue on with the school day.

It was hard for them to hear about people talking about Asia's condition so freely. Since she was indeed important to Izuku, and after visiting her. He himself isn't sure when she will wake up. But he uses it as a fuel to train, and try to get stronger.

" oh, right?" He said as the realization that he was not talking with All Might on the beach hit him. When ever he noticed that she wasn't going to be there for school, his face would get much sadder every time he woke up

He eyed the picture for a moment, staring straight at it as he examined the details of it. Then perfect edges of the frame curved around the actual picture beautifully.

The picture was bright and warm, and practically screamed out the warmth they felt  in the photo.

A sigh escaped his lips as he looked around the dorms room. Of course, no Asia, and no All Might in sight. He sluggishly stepped out of his bed, the blankets gently falling off his body. His feet coming in contact with the hard wood floor.

He gritted his teeth as he realized that the warmth that was once on him was gone. He reached over flicking the light on, as his room looked way more presentable.

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