Class 1-A Pool Race!

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{ I can be around a million people and STILL. FEEL. ALONE.} - xxxtentacion


The girl was snapped out of her sad thoughts as she heard a voice of determination. " I'll work even harder from now on!-" she saw the green hair boy yell from a distance. She couldn't tell if him working harder was a good or bad thing. Since he already over works himself.

She quirked a brow at his sudden outburst, but then remembered that he was discussing with Iida about something that looked like it was important. Her attention turned to a loud booming voice that followed right after his sentence.

" YOU BETTER! The next time I beat you.... I want you to be at your strongest you DAMN NERD!" Bakugo yelled with passion. Asia only stiffed a slight laugh as she realized the explosive blonde never failed to make a serious situation funny with his yelling.

Izuku looked pretty dumbfounded at his sudden outburst, but calmed down as he realized he wasn't there to blow him up.

" SO DEKU!..." bakugo started. He couldn't help but take a glance at the girl at the pool. He was wondering for a moment why she wasn't with the nerd, and why she looks awfully lonely. But shrugged it off as he saw her turn her head to her friends. 

" You want to settle who's better between the both of us right now!!" He yelled. Though instead of it being a question, it sounded more of a demand. Like he was GOING to fight him, which only made some people sweat drop.

" actually you know what, we could make this training a contest..." iida said with a hand on his chin as he thought about the idea. Asia didn't have any interest with having a contest of any sort. She just wanted to enjoy her time, and calm her nerves. Getting rilled up wasn't a way to help her.

She placed her gaze onto the floor as she continued to listen in on their ideas. She wasn't exactly eaves dropping, since all they had to do was look in her direction to know she was also listening. She wasn't hiding it.

" Hello everyone! I suppose we make a contents of which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest!!" Iida said getting all of the boys attention. Asia looked up at the group that was begging to form on the other side of the pool.

" a friendly race!" Iida added. The boys began to nod their heads, yelling on how they agreed with his idea. Asia cautiously stood up, making sure she wouldn't trip from her wet feet. She could see her friends making their way up to the group, as she slowly followed in her own path. Shaking the extra water off of her

" iida! Why don't you let us help!" Momo offered as she pointed to all the girls. Asia scrunched her face in confusion, she didn't really want to help anyone. She didn't want to move in general, but she kept quiet.

" yeah we are at school so there shouldn't be a problem with that...." iida began as he gave the boy group a quick glance, and looks around the pool for anything that might destroy.

" you cannot cause damage to class mates OR the building!" Iida said explaining how this should all work out, if played and token seriously. Bakugo ignored Iida's words and began his way up to Izuku.

" I'm gonna kill you Deku." Bakugo spoke in his deep rough voice. Asia watched the two as she mumbled, " is that his way of saying Izuku improved?..." she asked herself as her gaze fell to her freshly painted F/C toe nails.

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