Saitama's story

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I hope this chapter ends up being long, so glad this books coming to an end soon. This chapter will use " are instead of " was", because were speaking in Saitimas time POV.


The young hero in training was starting to get the hand of his power. He knows he is supposed to pick a percent to start with, but he claims there is no fun in that. He wiped the sweat on his head from his iconic workout, walking to his bag.

He let out a small sigh as he walked to the bench. Prepared to take his break for water and bananas. He walked forward ignoring his fellow friends who would eye him curiously when he walked.

He stopped at the beach and grabbed an banana out of his bag, tiredly peeling the fruit and biting half of it. He stared forward as he chewed the healthy fruit, carefree about everything in the world.

In the corner of his eye he could see a female staring at him. Of course he wasn't dumb he noticed it. He scratched his neck as he looked around the gym. He was a very cocky person, and sometimes arrogant. Or most of the time.

He ignored the staring and kept his face the same. Serious. His mind wandered to his power, one punch. Since he had to be mature about it, he had finished the banana and threw the peel out. Instead of eating it.

He thought back on the recent memories he received. The memories of his power that he got from his current user. It was a memory on someone attempting to fight All For One, that was the villains name.

Right now he held the max of 500,000. Five hundred thousand percent is how much his max limit is. He often found himself wandering back to the memories that he had recently had. The way the hero struggled to fight that one villain was truly scary.

Though there was something about the memories that he realized. Instead of the hero showing him his memories, he gave him his memories.

That hero had a max power of one hundred thousand.  The previous user, had the previous users memories. So the previous user of the power before Saitama, had someone else's memories as well.

When he passed down the memories of One punch to Saitama, he got two heroes life stories. He knows how both of them handled the power. One had a max of 50 thousand, and the most previous had a max of 100 thousand.

He watched the hardships that they went through, and recalls it everyday. But the worst part will always be how they died. All died a death related to All For One.

That was one reason why he couldn't bring himself to give a innocent soul these corrupted memories. He would be giving two peoples pain, and his own to the next user. That's no longer information, that's torture to the brain.

The mans followers are indeed crazy, or were since it was the past users problems. They would do anything for him, anything that he commanded them to do.

It wasn't like these One Punch users were weak or anything, because they were most certainly not. But they only had one original quirk, and in order to use it they had to get close to the villain. They had to engage in combat with him.  Which must hav been hard.

While some One Punch users had their own quirks as well. Making them have two quirks in general.

Saitima would be lying if he said that he wasn't struggling ever since he got these memories. It's almost like he can feel and hear the screams of the users who fought the villain. Who fought his minions.

He thought he would be able to handle to memories, obviously not thinking they would be too severe. But turns out he was completely wrong. The memories weren't bad in the start. They simply told him about how they dealt with the power.

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