Your quirk is mine

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I honestly skipped the matches because i feel that it is not normal for the SF to take this long


" With that our final match is Bakugo vs Emiyo!" Present Mic announced. I could see Bakugo's eyes glance up at me for a moment, dangerously intense before he walked away. I guess Izuku got the look of Bakugo, because he looked at my direction completely worried. How was i going to defeat Bakugo!?

The next matches were shoto vs Bakugo and before that, Sho won the match with Izuku yet lost against Bakugo.

My matches that I had, I had won. So now its me and Bakugo competing together as the final match. I spoke to that blonde man, and also spoke with Aizawa. Who they both gave me words of encouragement.

Bakugo had faught Kiri and won, I had faught that green head girl and won. so now it was just the two of us. The crowd began to roar at the view of me and Bakugo's faces beside each other

" that Bakugo kid is strong! No wonder he made it this far!"

"don'f forget the girl too! her quirk is something!" I heard through the crowd. I took a deep sight glancing up at Aizawa, who just nodded his head. I wouldn't be bothered if i lost to Bakugo, but why make it this far If i'm here to lose?


Asia stood in the ring right across from the blonde. Both exchanging intense flares towards each other. As Present Mic introduced them, a malicious grin grew onto Bakugo's face.

Asia sweat dropped at the intense looks. She knew at the end of this match she would either way be badly injured. All might watched the battle field with gritting teeth. He couldn't help but wonder if it would be Asia as the winner or Bakugo.

The teachers watched in the room, their eyebrows scrunched together as they saw to two kids that they were rooting for go head to head. They were very intrigued like the audience in what the results would be.

Asia knew she wasn't going to lose from going out of bounds, but more so for falling unconscious.

The league of Villains watched carefully, as Tomoura scratched his neck angered. He could remember how she had him almost falling unconscious at her hard blows. He could remember it perfectly. The way each punch of hers was getting harder and stronger. Just what exactly was her quirk though?

All for One smiled maliciously at the thought of her being One Punches user. He's been studying the quirk One Punch for a while. All his other quirks were useless if he would get his  precious hands on Asia. He could easily steal her quirk and use it to its full potential.

He would really be the strongest of all if he got his hands on One Punch. Destroying the whole city, every city. One by one. Acknowledging One Punches full power limit.

He hates the the thought of heroes  using such a powerful quirk on their side. All For one could put everyone to rest if he stole her quirk. But that meant that she could do the same. So the league must take action of her before she decoders her full potential of her quirk.

The two students stood tall on the centre of the field. People cheering their names all around them.

" STARTTTTT!" Present mic yelled.

Bakugo stared intensely waiting for her move. But Asia did the same thing. She didn't know what to do to prevent Bakugos explosions.

Bakugo stared at Asia. He knew that during this while festival,  she was not using her FULL power. He wanted to engage in close combat with her, so she'll have no choice but to use her quirk. He wanted to defeat her with her using her full strength.

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