USJ Explination

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Name- Yasmeen Nicole ( the girl up there/ who I use for reference)
Our hair but more blonde, or your hair, or my hair. Whatever your want, just once again make your hair blonde.


We all border the bus, as Izuku and me were now talking about what time of rescuing we would be doing.

I won't lie, I've took a liking to the boys company. He was very expressive, and easy to read for me or to me. We talked all through the bus ride, sharing our hobby's, and he told me his love for quirks and pro heroes in general.

I found it very hard to not like that kid. I mean, if your someone who HATES talkative people, then that makes sense. But besides that, he was a literal angel.

He complimented my hair a lot, I even asked if he could so it one day.


" Izuku!" Asia yelled at her friend who seemed to be zooming out, at what looked like her..... hair.

" Ahh-Wh-wha! Oh sorry! I was just staring at...." The green headed by started rubbing his neck, not wanting to admit he was once again gazing at the girls hair.

" no problem!" She giggled
" I was just answering your question on how I tie and leave my hair like this" she responded giggling and slightly shaking her head at his reaction.

" I was just saying that I got use to my hair being out all the time, and it was my go -to hair style ever since I was a kid.
Since I had really bad anxiety, I would do this hairstyle purposely to cover my face." She told him, as he nodded.

He loved her hair, if was very satisfying to him. It was like loose "S's" ( curls) everywhere. He could stare at it all day.

" Uh-um one of these days... or at least one day at the least! Can I please do your hair?... Not that you don't do it well! Just I would enjoy doing it for you since it looks really pretty! I-I mean fresh!" He said as he blushed looking away from her.

" sure!" Asia cheered. She was shocked at the most. She never had someone do her hair for her. People tried, but failed or either gave up, since they weren't use to her hair.

But they loved working with the girls fluffy hair. Her mom would let her get her hair done culturally, on her birthday or any time she wanted. Everyone she has met has loved her hair. But never tried doing it themselves.


We got off the bus and heard,
"Hello everyone, I have been waiting for your arrival!" A voice said

Me and Izuku turned to the voice and gasped " That's the pro hero Thirteen!" I gasped as I looked at Izuku, our eyes sparkling in excitement.

" ...the famous space hero!" He added to my statement.

" I call this the Unforeseen Simulation Joint! Your call this the USJ!" She said cheerfully which caused some of us to laugh.

She led us through and introduced us to the different sections of the USJ. Me and Izuku were standing together and eventually joined with Uraraka and Iida. It seems to me that Uraraka has a little thing for Izuku.
That's cute.

Aizawa was discussing something with Thirteen, and held up 3 fingers. I stared confused as Aizawa said
"....That man is the height of irresponsibility" he mumbled, like someone just killed his baby. He happened to walk past me as he said it.

" Huh?" I said very confused. Which man are they talking about?
I turn around to speak to Izuku, but he was talking to Uraraka. I mean I don't have a problem with that, since she is my friend as well. Considering that I don't exactly know how I feel about Izuku, but if she likes him, I will back off of him. Since that's what friends do right?

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