Stolen Quirk

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the girl struggled under his tight grasp on her ankle, twisting her body in multiple angles. Making sure to keep her her movements steady for her own advantage.

The last thing she needed was getting free and possibly tripping like how they always do in the American movies.

Her hands attempted to grip the strong floor under her but failed miserably. She forgot the the ground was solid. There was no way she could claw her way out.

She tuned onto her back, her face twisted with fear and shock, but her body refused to freeze. Her palms rested flat on her side on the floor. She lifted herself off the ground a little, since he was already holding her ankle at his face.

She practically threw herself forward, bending her knee to cause some force in the process.

She sent a harsh kick to his mask, shocking the man. She quickly backed up like a crab, her eyes observing his shocked face as his hands reached for his face out of instincts.

When she saw he was startled by her action, she quickly ran to her feet and turned to start sprinting elsewhere. She didn't know where she was, or where to run. But as long as she was away from him and his ideas, than she considered herself safe.

Just the thought of being in a room with this monster made her insides turn. She liked to say that every villains has a story, but she feels like his is unexplainable. In other words, his acts are out of pure pleasure.

If he does hold that much quirks, and steals them in the process. It was obvious that his plan was to take hers. He would be unbeatable if he had her quirk, and she couldn't have that. As long  as he doesn't get her quirk, everyone is safe.

If he takes her quirk and kills her, everyone is dead.
If she protects her quirk and dies, everyone is safe.

The sacrifice here is pretty obvious.
She would have to protect and die, or at least protect to the end.

She doesn't know how he takes peoples quirks from them. It could be simple like placing a hand on their head. Or as difficult as knocking them unconscious, and it will take around five minutes to collect their quirk.

But, she can't overestimate him as well. She can't just assume that he has every quirk in the world. But Teleportation is probably one of the quirks he has. Only because, if what All Might said was true, and All For One does have an aging quirk.

Than he most likely spent all of his time collecting quirks, and it makes sense to assume that teleportation was one. Or something speed related at least.

What ever it was, she couldn't let him get that opportunity from her. So if running away to a corner was how she could stall their upcoming battle, than that was what she was going to do.


Gran Torino came and sent a huge kick to the villains face, knocking him unconscious. The heroes examined the bar, but also kept a good eye on the villains in front of them. Making sure they didn't do anything dumb that would cause harm.

All might looked at Bakugo, who was still shocked from the whole thing. The heroes came yes, but they will only leave with one person. Because Asia Emiyo was now with him right now.

He hung his head low in shame and a bit of sadness, which was slowly fuelling to anger. The idea of the heroes rescuing one student instead of both made his stomach feel weird.

Asia was right in front of him now that he thinks about it. He saw and watched as she got sucked into the dark whole, taking her to who knows where. How the hell was he supposed to look at any of the heroes in the room!?

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