Lost and Found or Found and Lost?

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Asia woke up this morning still shocked to the news she heard. All might... her dad, and her exchanged numbers that night. She was very tired at the end, and barely got to engage with her friends on how their trip together went.

She simply went home and changed, then snacked and slept.

The next day she had messages from Izuku of what occurred at the mall. The league of villains leader grabbed him away from the others, and had a " talk" with him. It sounded creepy to Asia that he was now showing his self to the people he was after.

His original plan was to go for Asia, since he only assumed the she was there with the brat. But when he didn't see her, he just happened to grab the other kid he had plans for.
It was obvious that he was desperate at this point.

After Izuku gave a nice summary of everything that happened, he wanted to question how her day was, and how the " talk" went. But she didn't know if she should tell him. Well at least now.

She feels bad for having to think about it, but at the same time even she is struggling to adjust to this new " biological dad" thing. First it was her crush was All Mights successor, now All Might is her dad! It's just too much for the girl.

She decided that she was indeed going to tell Izuku after she asks her dadMight. She was going to tell him about him being her father.

Her adopted parents wanted to also speak with her. They were happy when All Might came back with a sleeping Asia, and told them that everything went smoothly. She did also ask the question they predicted. " why"

Besides that, Asia was still taking in all the sudden information. The whole thing of being alone her whole life, and now finding out the secret between her loneliness. Was she really ready?

It was like that hole that has been in her stomach, that was begging to get fed information has closed up. But has it really closed up? Is she really satisfied with how everything in her life is going?

The shock was still there. The hurt is still there. But what is she so hungry for now? She doesn't know who her mother is, but that she can care less for. From what All Might told her, she showed up to his house around 1 month old. She had no name, no belt or symbol, no explanation.

Only a letter that explained her knock up, and the kids birth date. ( your birthday)

All might doesn't even have and papers or hospital pictures, there was practically nothing. Just a girl in a car seat with her birthday on her outfit pocket.

Asia can't see her life if All Might took her in, perhaps she was destined to be a passed down child? Maybe she was supposed to be abandoned and found. She doesn't know if she was lost and found, or if she is found and lost.

She can only rely on time, since time was the only thing that led her up to where she is now. Well....luck and time.
They say that time waits for nobody, but it always seems to slow down for Asia.

Of course time doesn't stop for anyone, but it always seems to wait for Asia. Time doesn't slow down nor does it speed up, but it navigates at the same speed. Yet Asia has always felt that time was slow especially for her. But for what reason?

What was time waiting to show her all these years? Was time attempting to satisfy the girls curiosity? No. Because she still isn't satisfied, she still is hungry for more.

Some years were awfully slow for Asia, while some moved at the same pace as the other. But nothing had ever moved fast for the girl, not even time. So why now does she feel like things are occurring too quick. Why must she feel so unsatisfied?

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