Internships start

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**{ Emotions are written on the face, and **reflected in the eyes. So don't just look for ones tears}**


internships definitely came quicker than expected. I could remember reading through my offers and struggling to decide which hero fit me best.

There were some people who were simply going for the highest/ most popular heroes that offered them. Like Bakugo.
He chose to intern with Best Jeanist, yet I don't see how he would help Bakugo's quirk what so ever. Their quirks don't even compliment each other.

Yet when I tried to tell him, he got extremely mad. Very mad.


" Bakugo! Who are you interning with" I asked the blonde curiously, peaking over his shoulder to see.

" HUH! Mind your business!" The blonde responded, now violently flipping through his papers. I chuckled in response, as I saw one paper that caught most of my attention. Best Jeanist. 

I made a guess that he was interning with him. But why?
" oh. Your interning with Best Jeanist Bakugo ?" I asked shocked.

He looked up at me with a irk appearing on his forehead " yes." He simply responded. " WHAT IS THAT A PROBLEM!" He yelled once he saw my face. 

" no. No, no. It's just...... you guys quirks don't even relate in the slightest...." I said as I began to scratch my elbow nervously. Trying  to think of how the two could possibly work together.

" WHAT! ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY YOU-" he started beyond upset.
I'll end it there. But let's just say he wasn't happy about my choice of words, though they were true. 


I sweat dropped at the memory of that conversation with Bakugo. Everyone was preparing to be sent off for their interns. While I just stood  beside Shoto since we were both going to Endeavour.

I know how the flaming hero is, so just  incase he plays favourites in any way, I have a to-do list ready for me. I plan on doing One Punch at 10% forged with Heat force, using all Of My Heat  Force attacks at once, and using Heat Force flames. Which I'm going to force Endeavour to help me with, wether he ignores me or not.

Me and Sho stood in a comfortable silence on our phones, as I glanced up to see Aizawa paging everyone for our internships.

We all stood at the train station to prepare to be sent off to our cities of our chose intern. Mr. Aizawa reminded us that, we shouldn't wear our costumes in public, but we should pack them Incase. As he told us to mind our manners, we were finally sent off.

I couldn't help but look at him as a dad who was sending his kids off for the first day of school. Why was genuinely hilarious. Saying bye to our friends, me and Sho boarded to the train.

I sat down beside him and pulled out my bag of brownies bites. I could see him roll his eyes in the corner.  " must you eat every time?" He asked clearly  annoyed by me.

Some people hearing this would say Shoto is mean, or doesn't like me. But he does. I know he does. We have a different type of friend humor, which makes us even funnier. Sho doesn't think he's a humorous person. Though  what he doesn't realize is, whenever he is around me he does say numerous things. Which others consider rude.

" if you ever get a girlfriend Sho...." I started, opening the bag and sniffing it. Already tasting the deep coffe chocolate rich flavour in my mouth. " ...don't tell her that" I said ending my statement, by popping a brownie in my mouth.

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