Chapter 57 - Unforeseen

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The familiar feeling of my small apartment, the smell of ramyun—my midnight snack, the sight of my rainbow curtain, the ticking sound of my Doraemon clock.

All of those don't enter my senses, instead, my vision fills with the darkness of the cave.

Huh? Why am I still here?

My heartbeat quickens up its pace as I start to panic. Calm down Star, perhaps my thought was jumble so the magic didn't work.

I look up to see the blood red moon and gaze toward the pirates, all of them are staring at the moon as if they're being hypnotized. I have no idea how the curse will be broken. Well, I'll find out through the book once I get out of here.

Then I make a wish again.

Calming my nerves, closing my eyes, wishing to go to my real world and then opening my eyes.

Heck! I'm still in the cave.

Panic rises from head to toe. Something must have gone wrong. Because I didn't perform the blood ritual so it wouldn't work?

I shift toward Aurora, seeing her hanging her head down and hugging herself.

"You sure I don't have to drop my blood in the water?" I whisper to her, afraid to interrupt the others.

She nods without lifting her head. I scratch my head and shrug at her eccentric action.

Okay, let's try again.

Then I clamp my hands together, shutting my eyes, and start mumbling my real name and full address. Perhaps this realm doesn't know where I live.


Suddenly, a blood curdling scream pierced through the silence.

My skin crawled at the sound. I abruptly whip my head toward the commotion. The scream caused ruckus among the pirates as they erupt in fright buzz and form a circle around the person that continues screaming. Each cry became like a screech that sounded less and less human.

"What's going on?!" Hongjoong shouts to the crowd. He signals Seonghwa to investigate the area. The quartermaster hasn't taken a step too far when he let out a painful growl. He clutches his ears and stumbles to the ground. His collapse alarmed the crew as they instantly backed away from him, only few brave souls checked upon the quartermaster.

"Surgeon!" Hongjoong took large steps toward Seonghwa while shouting for Yeosang. The surgeon who stands beside me immediately darts toward Seonghwa who lies on the floor with a heavy panting as he tries to swallow his pain, his hands digging into his skull around his ears that began to bleed.

"It's the curse!" Someone yells in the crowd and creates a wave of terror cries among them.

"Shut up!!" Hongjoong growls, appearing at his extreme outrage. He stands tall and firm, and glares at his cowardice crew. "The curse must be broken here and now! If you have to sprout nonsense, then try and be my guest!"

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