Chapter 55 - Maelstrom

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(Un)fortunately, Wooyoung's cheek survived the wrath of my palm because the uninvited guests made a visit to the kitchen.

"Seems like you lot are having fun without me. Can I join?"

A simple yet hair-raising question caught our little group's attention. We turned our heads to see the captain and quartermaster duo standing in the corridor, causing us to instantly scatter like bees escaping their hive.

That was how 9 of us ended up cramping in one table.

The kitchen is void of other crew as the cook fled to distribute lunch elsewhere. It's quite funny to witness how the crew react when they step foot inside the kitchen and unanticipatedly meet their captain here. All of them retreat outside faster than lighting.

The atmosphere inside the room is beyond suffocating. No one utter a word, we quietly eat our food and exchange eye contact. Or another word, they all direct their gaze at me.

Hongjoong at the head of the table, scanning each of our faces while sipping on his wine which he brought from his quarter. Without doubt, his sharp gaze lingers on me the longest.

Meanwhile Seonghwa, sitting on the right side of Hongjoong, gives off a what-the-hell-am-I-doing-here vibe. He violently stabs a piece of meat in the plate and doesn't forget to maintain a menacing glare with me.

Seating the opposite of Mr.Grumpy, Yunho, on the other hand, glances at me from time to time while munching on his meat like a squirrel. I have to try my best to not reach my hand to squeeze his puffy cheek.

Next to Yunho and beside me is the fiery red haired master gunner, he busily gives what-is-captain-doing-here look to his crewmates. Jongho who sits the opposite of him, returns him with how-am-I-supposed-to-know glare.

While the playboy first mate wears a hint of playful smile since the duo made an appearance as if he can't wait for trouble to arise. As he sits the opposite of me, whenever he and I connect our gaze, he winks at me. I don't understand how he is the same person who spoke wisely the other day.

Yeosang, sitting beside me, thankfully eats his food like a normal human being. Still, he turns to check up on me with a concerned look every minute.

Last but not least, the combatant. San eats his food as stiff as a statue. The fringe covers his eyes but I can feel his burning gaze on me. When he notices that I stare at him, his lips gradually stretch into a chilly smirk. I startle and quickly draw my eyes back to my own plate.

What a nerve-wrecking lunch!

"The meat tastes especially sweet today. Don't you agree, treasure?" Hongjoong breaks the silence. He compliments the meat even though he barely touches it.

After his cheesy question, the clanking sound of cutlery followed. The boys literally let go of their cutlery to gawk at their captain. Yet Hongjoong ignores how his crew react and continues staring at me with gleaming eyes.

"Ugh, treasure." Mingi shivers next to me and I can even hear his disdain mumbles.

"Um yea." I answered although the meat in my mouth suddenly tastes bland. Wooyoung sees my expression and presses his lips into thin lines, stifling giggles.

"Hm," Hongjoong hums and sip on his wine again. The table then resume its peaceful state. I inwardly sigh. Hongjoong is trying to make our relationship obvious in front of his crew. However it makes me uncomfortable. We're not even official yet and we can never will be.

After a short moment of silence, Hongjoong decide to break it once again. "But I've tasted something sweeter." He licks his lower lip and settles the wine glass on the table. Then he averts his gaze to me. "Right, little treasure?"

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