Chapter 7 - Pirate King's Revenge's crew

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The door of the bridge abruptly opens and reveals a dark expression Wooyoung who's dragging a beautiful girl inside, she also has anger paint on her face.

He tosses the girl inside and she loses balance which resulted in her stumble to the ground.

She makes a loud yelp and gives the man a menacing glare. But he completely ignores her and walks away.

The scene causes the conversation inside the room to die down.

Everyone's gaze shifts between their unusual bad-mood first mate and the pitiful girl on the ground.

Then another figure makes the way inside, it's the seeres. She has a pout on her lips indicating that she's also in a foul mood. Following her is Yeosang, their surgeon, he surprisingly has dark aura around him.

The scene is quite shocking.

What's causing their flirtatious first mate to throw a beautiful girl on the ground?

Normally, he would flirt with every single female that got into his field of vision. One time they caught him flirting with the figurehead of their ship when he was drunk. And that was honestly awful.

Anyhow what more surprising is angry Yeosang, he's the softest one among them or that's what they think when he's in a good mood. But once he's in a bad mood all hell gonna break loose.

To whoever is able to turn him into devil mode, that person has committed a great sin.

People inside the room exchange glances in curiosity but no one open mouth asks their crew mates.


I enter the bridge or navigation room and spot 'Y/N' on the ground. Tears brim in her honey brown eyes which cause me to sympathize with her a bit, just a bit because I'm still hungry.

Sighing, I help her up and notice her slight tremble. I pat her back to calm her down.

But when I look up, I think I'm the one that needs to be calm down the most.

Because Ateez members are all inside this room.

I repeat all of them!


That's how I die and my soul leaves the body completely.

This is the strongest attack I ever received when I stepped foot into this realm.

I stand there frozen, not sure to scream or cry or what.

They probably notice my face turn from white to red and then white again. And the corner of my mouth is about to lift up into a maniac smile. I try my hardest to press my mouth into a thin line.

Stop! You must not fangirl in this situation!

Yeosang who follows behind me sees that I go rigid once I see his crew.

He gently touches my back making me snap out of my trance.

I look up to meet his concerned eyes. But I can only manage to return him an awkward smile.

He jut out his chin to the chairs at the end of a large wooden table in the middle of the room.

"Sit." He curtly says.

We walk toward the table while I try to distract Ateez's gaze by observing the room instead.

Scanning around, the room is spacious and tastefully decorated with paintings, swords, and guns on the wall.

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