Chapter 61 - Remember

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"Captain Hongjoong, long time no see. Please have a seat."

A stout middle-aged man stands at the head of a long table where seats are occupied by the familiar faces that Hongjoong recognizes.

Hongjoong flicks his red coat backward before sitting down at the last available seat at the end of the table. The quartermaster and the navigator stand behind his seat. The man smiles politely at the trio and sits down.

"Aye, Sir Nicholas. Long time no see. You seem to age a lot since the last time I saw you. I hope you'll hug the governor's seat for a very long long time." Hongjoong flashes his signature sly grin at the man who's the governor of the Bahamas. Seonghwa, Yunho and some occupants quietly chuckle.

The governor's mouth slightly twists, but he's able to maintain a political smile. "And I see that you still have a sharp-tongue as ever, captain."

Hongjoong shrugs, not caring about the insult. "What's the occasion? Why do you need me and these people in one room?" Hongjoong peers at the occupants around the room. All of them are the most influential individuals in Nassau, they're merchants, dealers, and captains of notorious pirate bands. Some of them returns him with a smile or a curt nod, and some openly bare fangs at him. The first group categorize as his comrades or neutral business partners and the latter group has the bad blood with him.

"While you were away from Nassau, we faced an issue." The meeting room quiets down when the governor speaks, his expression turns grim and creases appear on his forehead.

"And why do you need me? Are these people here are so incompetent that they can't help you?" Hongjoong nonchalantly offended the whole room.

A man sitting 2 seats away bangs his fist on the table and glares at Hongjoong. "Don't talk like you're better than us. This issue will likely end your reign, pirate king!" He emphasizes the word pirate king as if he's going to spit his saliva.

Hongjoong peers at the furious man and chuckles. "Oh really? But the governor seems to be looking forward to my help. So who will meet their end first? I bet it's you."

The man stands up abruptly, his chair slamming onto the floor. His mates hold his arms to prevent him from lunging at Hongjoong.

"Captain Billy, please don't be so worked up. Our captain only states his worry. If this issue is so critical that none of you here are able to handle it, then captain concern for your competency." Seonghwa talked as if he's trying to help but he actually added oil into the fire.

Some of the men's faces turn red in embarrassment and anger. While those who are familiar with the duo's temperament remain unbothered and watch the ongoing scenario.

"Alright, gentlemen, no fighting here please. We have a bigger issue to deal with." The governor sighs and turns to Hongjoong. "Yes, we do need your competency. The Royal Navy targets the pirate vessels en route to Nassau."

Hongjoong raises his brow. This issue isn't something new. The Royal Navy's job is to get rid of them.

"This time they dispatched two ships of the line. They disposed of our ships that refused to surrender. However, they also propose to us a full, complete pardon." A sturdy-built man sitting the closet to Hongjoong on the left seemed to read his mind. This man, Erik, used to be his trusted first mate which later he assigned him to be captain of a captured vessel because the grumpy man behind him refused to be captain.

"So the meeting today will be about the future direction of Nassau. I don't believe they intend to dispatch the fleet to give us pardon. I assume they plan to take Nassau back to the empire." The governor adds.

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