Chapter 60 - Possess

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OMGGGGGG Atinyyyyy!!! Ateez finally get their first Bonsang!!!!!!

As a promise, I'll (try to) update twice a week (O_O;) 

But our job isn't finish yet, let's vote on Mubeat! It closes tomorrow 6Kst.

So here's your present, 7k words chapter.


Jongbin thought serving under the Royal Navy was glorious—to capture corrupted pirates and bring peace to the sea, to wear the white flock uniform and receive admiration from the citizens, to be the perfect son of his parents.

Was it all his delusion?

His path was just a walking glory in the eyes of outsiders. The longer he walks down this trail, the more blood and death accumulate on his hands. The people that supposed to be heroes are villains in disguise. He witnessed how they succumbed to their dark desire.

And a person behind this door is one of them.

Jongbin stares at the large wooden door that no officers except him brave enough to go through and face the vicious commander. As the lieutenant, he has no choice but to adjust his uniform, disposing of his nervousness and wears his obedient lieutenant mask. He knocks against the door and waits for 3 seconds before opening the door without the room owner's permission.

Candle light on the chandelier flickers by the momentum of the ship, and is extinguished once the door opens. Jongbin enters the cluttered room, stepping on scatter papers on the floor which he ordered cabin boys to clean up yesterday night.

A lone figure stands in the far end of the dim room with his back facing Jongbin. The person has disheveled hair and clothes, he stares at the sea storm through his quarter's window. No matter how deafening thunder rumbles, how churning waves sway the battleship, he stands motionless. His hand clutches on an empty wine glass while another arm hangs by his side, a white cloth wraps around his hand that almost heals from a bullet wound.

Jongbin clears his throat to gain attention from the man and ready himself to report the same line over the past 10 days.

"Commander, the Revenge has not yet been found. The navigator still couldn't set the course as the compasses are still broken so he couldn't pinpoint our current location. Besides, the weather doesn't have a sign to improve. We're running out of fresh water and food supplies. The current supplies can last for the entire crew maximum 5 days. The officers are waiting for your next command, sir."

After finishing the report, Jongbin keeps his mouth shut. He watches the figure slowly turn around. As soon as a pair of bloodshot eyes meet him, he steps aside to avoid a glass that flies toward his direction. The glass shatters against the wall and rains down on the floor. It's the 10th glasses that have gone to waste.

"Useless!!" Commander Chris sneers and stomps across the room to stop in front of Jongbin. "What command!? The only command I have for those incompetents is to destroy the Revenge! And where are they!?"

A smell of alcohol reaches his nose, Jongbin looks at the furious commander with split feelings. He shares the same loss, humiliation, and anger of his failed plan. He never imagined the pirates were so loyal to the pirate king that they refused the pardon. However, he's angry at commander Chris for pouring out his rage on the innocent officers and thoughtlessly commands them to follow Ateez regardless of their disadvantages. On the other side, he sympathizes with Chris for losing his sister and fiancee. Because he, too, regrets losing his younger brother.

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