Chapter 32 - My treasure

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Once Hongjoong dropped his blood on the Wonderland map, I could only take a glimpse of the map and they ushered Aurora and me out of the room.

Aurora tried to talk to them to let go of her as they promised but they ignored her and said to discuss it later.

Their secretive behavior rang doubt in my heart. But I could do nothing but being kicked out of the room. One thing that they kept promising is that they moved us into a bigger room with a toilet in it. My lips quirks up when I spot a full-length mirror with a golden embroidery frame inside the room.

That night Aurora and I lie awake inside the new room but we can't fall asleep.

"What will they do to us?" Aurora whispers a rhetorical question from her bed.

Ateez already acquired the map to Wonderland. I understand that she is scared of what they will do to us when we're no longer useful. But Hongjoong already promised me they won't harm us until reaching Wonderland. I hope he does keep his promise.

"I'll protect us until we reach Wonderland." I reassure her. 

"I'm not going to Wonderland." Aurora's voice hardened.


"Please Star, I've made my decision." Hint of anger fills in her tone. She turns around her body, her back facing me, indicating that she doesn't want to discuss this topic.

Apparently, she is still not giving up on escaping. But Aurora, I'm also a headstrong person. I'll plan a way to persuade you to stay by showing a good side of Ateez. This way she'll fall in love with them, go to Wonderland, lift the curse and live happy ever after!

But I don't know that my plan would fail this early.


"Fire in the holes!!!" Yells booming from the outside, follow by the thunder sound of cannonballs. Shouts from the Revenge's crew erupt across the ship.

"Pirates will always be pirates, they never change." Venomous dripping in the female lead sweet voice. I'm speechless by her comment because it's true.

This morning when we were enjoying our breakfast in the kitchen, Wooyoung popped out of nowhere and dragged us inside our room. "Don't go outside until we allow you." He said.

We were perplexed by his action but later we realized that they planned to attack a merchant ship. And now we're locked inside our room. Aurora has been bitter since then. Because her parents were merchants and their ships were used to be attacked by pirates. She understands the despair of merchants as she sometimes witnessed her parents' distress. Until one day her parents were taken away from her forever, because of them, Pirates. Aurora was the only survival of the attack. She vowed not to forgive them ever.

"Once they lift the curse at Wonderland, they will be unstoppable. Their wickedness will spread like wildfire. More blood and lives will be succumbed in their hands. Do you want that to happen?"

"No," I shake my head at her question and feel myself getting smaller. I didn't expect Ateez to attack the merchant ship right after they got the dagger.

"What are you going to do next? Side with them?" She seethes but as she sees the black haired girl's conflict expression, she softens her voice, "Star, just give up on them."

"I can't," I shake my head again. If I give up on them, that means I'm also giving up going back to my real world.

"I don't understand. Is it really important to go to Wonderland?" She huffs in frustration.

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