Chapter 13 - My ship My rules

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After clarifying things with Aurora, I passed out right away.

The next day, we're confined inside our small room. There's even a guard in front of the room.

These pirates surely are too strict with their rules.

It's a good thing that they still feed us. Yea, the same salty food but at least they give us water instead of grog. How generous.

After eating breakfast and not knowing what to do, I've been lying down on my bed while staring into the ceiling absentmindedly for hours.

I'm so bored. There's nothing to do.

The room is too small to walk around and the porthole is too small to see anything outside.
The hot air in the room makes me sweat and suffocate. Plus, I'm getting dizzy and nauseous from the ship rocking.

I crane my neck to look at Aurora. She has been absorbing in a book that she finds inside a drawer. Beads of sweat on her angelic face don't bother her at all as she looks strangely calm.

After the small conversation last night, we barely talked today. I feel like she avoids talking to me. She gives off a different aura from the original book. I decide to watch after her in case she plans to do something out of expectation.

Then I recall the same scene in the fiction. The female lead was locked in the room until reaching Port Royal. But that takes 3 days. Day 1 hasn't ended, I already felt like a deflated balloon.

That's it. I can't take this anymore!!

Being a 21th century girl, I need to protect my own right!!

They can't lock me in a room without my consent!!

An eye for an eye!!!

Instantly getting up off the bed, I shake away dizziness and banging on the door, "Open the door! I need to speak to your captain. Quick! It's an important matter."

Aurora looks up from her book. She stares at me confusedly.

"What's the matter, Miss?" The guard asks me from the other side of the door.

"Bring me to your captain. I need to talk to him over the matter of life and death." I try to sound panic to make him believe me.

The wooden door opens, revealing an older version of Jack.

The man sees my confused face so he introduces himself, "I'm Jim, Jack's brother."

"Oh, I see." I nod, "Well, Jim, I request you to take me to your captain. Now!"


Jim escorts me toward the quarterdeck where I see Hongjoong steers the helm. He looks peaceful and harmless, unlike the usual cunning expression. Soft wind blows his majestic mullet on his shoulder makes me internally sigh in admiration. No one would believe that this is the ruthless pirate king that haunts the mind of people.

But once he notices me, his signature sly grin appears on his handsome face. He signals a nearby crew to take over the helm. Then he saunters toward my direction.

"Miss.Star what bring you here?" He says cordially which really surprises me.

Jim whispers into Hongjoong's ears. Seriousness flickers on his face when he listens to Jim's report.

"Oh, you have an important matter to tell me, what's it?"

Crap, he's so intimidating that my anger and courage vanish into thin air. If I bring up the confinement right now, will he be fed up?

Star Illusion | ATEEZ Pirate AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon