Chapter 82 - The wishes

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The beach of Wonderland lit up with several bonfires where the ex pirates scattered around the beach sitting in small groups. The chilly wind blows against my body, but I feel the warmth from being surrounded by my friends. I sit between Yeojin and Mingi, munching on the strange fruit that tastes like banana mixed with mango while listening to Mingi's story. A night like this is perfect for gossip time...I mean story time.

Ateez filled me in on what happened with them in one year. After I left, they buried Alice, Chris and Jongbin's bodies at the island. Then they stuck here for a week since the Revenge had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. When Seakeeper recovered her power, she presented a schooner as a gratitude from her. They had been sailing between small islands and towns, trading food and supplies to survive while staying low-key from the public eyes. Lately, they were in hot water since they couldn't find a business partner to trade supplies with.

In return, I confessed to them about my depressing story of my family, friends and directionless future. They listened to me attentively. Yeojin held my hand and made an upsetting noise when she heard that I wasn't a favorable child. Jongho sighed, shoulder slumps with a crestfallen look. He also experienced the same situation as me. But his story was worse, he became enemies with his brother, and in the end his brother saved his life.

All of my friends, especially Mingi, got worked up. They said if he knew my circumstances they would persuade me to stay. I only smile in return since it was all in the past.

Now I feel the most relieved and happiest in the entire year. People who truly care about me and I care about them are here. There's free food, aka the strange fruits and unlimited seafood, a free place to live, and a natural bathroom with clean water. I literally took a bath in the cave pond and wore Yeojin's clothes, because my original clothes created a big controversy.

After Mingi dropped me a bomb question about my bikini, the others also bombard me with the same questions. They asked me what kind of clothes that people in my world wore, and were the clothes so expensive that I couldn't afford the whole attire, or someone forced me to wear them.

I understood their concern, but I ended up laughing for half of the day. I explained to them that it was a swimsuit that is socially accepted in some parts of the world. Mingi then expressed in a serious tone that I shouldn't wear a bikini in front of his crew because he didn't trust them while glaring at his mates as a warning. I didn't think I had the confidence to wear them again since I bragged how hot my real body was. I thought about throwing them away but Seakeeper said I should keep it in case I need it in the future. She gave me a playful wink, leaving me perplexed until now. She didn't join our bonfires as she said she was too old to join the youngsters' feast.

After updating each other's lives, the broke merchants begin to discuss a serious matter of their dim future. They plan to leave Wonderland tomorrow morning. While they're brainstorming on the backup plan in case the next business deal fails, the real captain of Losing Star shocked everyone with his announcement.

"I will step down from my position. You lot should start voting for the new captain now." Hongjoong gets up and walks away from the group.

Everyone, except me, looks calm. I spit my food into the sand and cough painfully. Yeojin passes me the water. Her brows knit together and peers at the path Hongjoong was leaving. She shrugs her shoulders when I asked her what happened.

"Well, he announced it earlier than I thought." Wooyoung mumbles. I look at him, seeking for the answer, but he ignores me and lies down on Yeojin's lap. She pats his head in silence.

So I whip my head toward my best friend who eagerly aimed for the captain position. However, Mingi doesn't look happy when the opportunity is presented. He lets out a frustrated groan and lies on the sand, and uses a hat to cover his face.

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