Chapter 5 - Thunders

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The sound of a door creaking woke me up from sleep.

I don't know when I fell asleep last night as I spent the entire night recalling the plot of fiction.

Soft light pours into the room as I see a man silhouette at the door, walking inside.

He scrunches his nose in disgust at the strong smell of the brig and looks at 'Y/N' and me.

"Morning ladies, it's time," He says.

I immediately jump at my feet, legs wobble as I approach him, making him startle at my sudden action.

Light in the room isn't bright but I could tell who he is from afar.

"Wooyoung" I call his name in awe.

He surprises at first but then his face turns into smugness.

"Woah. I know I'm quite popular with the ladies." He smirks while sweeping his faded purple hair.

I manage to let out awkward "ha" at his smugness.

He's charming but seems like the author gives him too much confidence for his character.

He looks pass me and stops staring at Y/N.

Yea, I know she's pretty and all. I roll my eyes.

"Pretty ladies shouldn't be treated like this. I apologize for your inconvenience. Our quartermaster is too cruel, right? but...that's how we do things. Until you are proved innocent, you're our prisoner." He says but his eyes linger on 'Y/N'.

The girl is clearly uncomfortable under his stare as she hides behind me.

I fake a cough. "Should we get going? The storm is coming." I say interrupting his little moment as I feel the ship is starting to rock violently.

He pays me no mind and walks out of the jail. "Follow me" He says and leads us the way.

Once we step out in the open, the sky is covered with dark gray clouds. Harsh wind blows pass our bodies making our hair and dresses flutter.

Even in this circumstance, our female protagonist still manages to look stunning like a beautiful painting.

The girl and I are led to stand near the mainmast.

The entire crew is surrounding us like we're animals in the zoo.

My nerves start to rise as I unconsciously shift toward 'Y/N' and she also shifts closer to me.

Huge waves crashing against the ship making it hard to stand still. 'Y/N' grab on to my arm as she loses balance. But Wooyoung comes to her side to hold her from falling.

The girl squawks at him and wriggles out of his hands, a distaste show on her gorgeous face.

But Wooyoung only smirks playfully at her while he leans against the mast scanning the girl up and down.

Damn boy. Why does he always get a playboy role in every fiction.

The girl clings to me like a lost child, eye glueing at the ground. She probably scared out of her wits.

"Can you not do that?" I have enough as I speak to Wooyoung.

"Do what?" He raises his eyebrows at me, arms crossing on his chest.

"That intruding eyes of yours. Can't you see she's uncomfortable." I say directly.

He scoffs and shouts loudly to his crews,"Hey! Don't stare at them. The ladies are uncomfortable."

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