Chapter 76 - The feast

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I wish I had a camera with me so I could snap a photo of the crews' expressions after their captain announced to throw a feast. The picture could be the most viral meme of 21th century.

But sadly, this wasn't a time for jesting. Our lives were in danger, yet, the notorious pirate king of the seven seas came up with that idea?

Hence we thought he was joking to lift up the mood, but he proved us wrong as he proceeded to order the cook to bring out food and liquors, and ordered the crew to play sea shanties.

Nobody moved a single muscle, still didn't believe their ears. They waited for the next command that never came.

Hongjoong's sly grin faltered as his crew stared intently at him as if he had turned into a turtle wearing a red coat. His strong gaze faded while scanning their faces. Slight creases appeared between his eyebrows. He didn't look angry, but rather...sorrowful and remorseful.

"This is what I can do as your captain for the last time."

His grim voice was carried by the soft breeze throughout the deck as he continued. "I failed as a captain. I promised you prosperity but I led you to calamity. My brothers, thank you for trusting me and accompanying me all these years. Pirate king's Revenge wouldn't make its name without any of you. If there's another chance, I hope we meet again somewhere under the same sky, and sail above the same sea." He lowered his head and placed his hand above his heart.

There was a grave silence before the scary Revenge crew began weeping. The crying sound started small and got louder until it echoed throughout the quiet devil's triangle. Some walked up to Hongjoong and gave him respect. They didn't blame him at all. The crew hugged one another, saying goodbye. Some of them also expressed their gratitude toward me.

My eyes felt hot by the heart wrenching scene that unfolded around me. It had been two months since I travelled into fiction. I became closer to the pirates and no longer saw them as book characters. They were human with feelings and pain even though they were bad guys that repent their wrongdoing when it was too late. This was their real life, their loss and death, their final scene that I failed to change.

I heard a sniffing sound from beside me and saw Aurora had already shed tears. She used to hate the pirates to the bone but now she cried for them. Her admirers surrounded her, bidding farewell.

On another side, Yeojin hugged her brother and wailed into his chest. Yeosang patted his sister's head, a single tear slipped from his red eyes.

Although the other Ateez members didn't shed tears, their grim expression saddened my heart. The social butterfly members went to bid farewell with other crews while the introverts remained in their spot watching the scene with heavy glances.

Among the crowd, Hongjoong's gaze found me. A small smile imprinted on his lips. His expression was serene as if he already gave up everything which made me concerned. He's a fighter, he wouldn't surrender easily. I refused to believe that the feast was his real plan.

True to my suspicion, after the crew started partying, he called Seonghwa and Wooyoung into the bridge. They disappeared in there for half an hour and didn't come out until now.

My sight glue to the closed door while leaning against the main mast. Hongjoong didn't allow anyone to go inside the room so now I can only suppress my anxiety that is about to take over me.

The instruments are loud and the crew singing voices are even louder. After flooding the ship with their tears, they threw the feast as Hongjoong ordered.

There are three types of people at the farewell party; those who quietly weep bitter tears in a corner, those who have the blast of their lives, and I represent the last group, the paranoid.

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