Chapter 14 - In the hands of the devil

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Hongjoong and Seonghwa watch as Star sulkily leaves the quarterdeck. She has a pout on her lips which she always does that when she's upset. And she keeps staring upward when she's thinking. Those are her behaviors that they pick up even if they're just recently met.

Hongjoong serious demeanor turns to wide grin when she's out of the view.

"What with the 'I did not have time for love'? Why're you preventing me from my future love prediction?" He playfully asks his strict quartermaster with a raised eyebrow.

"You's not stupid, you clearly know she was lying." Seonghwa answers him deadpanned.

"Eh, who knows. She might confess to me." Hongjoong's eyes glint mischievously while Seonghwa gives his captain a judgmental stare.

"And why would you have that kind of notion?" Seonghwa asks.

"Hmm, you see. Whenever she sees me, she has this kind of...delightful look." Hongjoong hand grips on his chin while thinking about the way Star's eyes spark when she sees him.

"From what I see she looked at you distastefully."

"No you don't get it, you heartless."

But Seonghwa, who always pays attention to smallest details, never misses what Hongjoong has said. He does notice how Star looks way too happy when she sees not only Hongjoong but also his other crewmate and himself.

According to their first encounter, it's not her beauty that caught his eyes but her expression. He remembered how her face lit up when she saw him and immediately hid it with a straight face. Her behavior is strange, and her sudden existence on their ship is suspicious. The fact that she's the seer doesn't fully register into his mind yet although he saw her prediction came true with his own eyes. It is way too odd. Too disbelieving.

Whatever her intention is, he'll get into the bottom of it.

And he knows Hongjoong must be suspicious about her too.

"You requested San to look after her right? What did he report?" Hongjoong stops joking with his quartermaster.

"He only said she's interesting."

Hongjoong ears perk up at Seonghwa's response.

This is the breaking news. San was never interested in any woman. That guy was never interested in anything. He's a wild beast that neither Hongjoong nor Seonghwa could tame.

Did he put his guest into the hands of the devil?

But since she caught interest of the cold-hearted devil, she is..."Indeed, interesting."

Star, the seer, whoever you are, they'll eventually find out.


After being defeated badly from the captain and quartermaster duo, I sulkily go back to my room with San.

Being paranoid, I turn my head to look at San every 5 seconds in case he decides to stab me with his cutlass.

San casually strolls after me and his icy stare bore a hole into my body.

Should I add him into my nerve wrecker list?

Yes, definitely a yes.

Then the corner of my eye catches a familiar silhouette of a cabin boy.

I suddenly remember that I'm still wearing this hideous green shirt.

Now I have a victim to vent my anger at.

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