Chapter 10 - Ship tour

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When Wooyoung caught sight of me stepping out of the room, he let out a high pitch laughter.

"What're you wearing?" He's scanning me up and down.
"Thanks to your cabin boy." I say sarcastically.
"Good job Jack. Well, it sorta suits you."
"Suit me my ass. Give me new clothes."

He shrugs at me and starts walking away.

"Hey! Wait!" I shout after him.

Seonghwa might be in first place in my nerve wrecker list but Wooyoung is climbing up at a fast pace. If he doesn't give me new clothes then he's going to be in the first place for sure.

I skip after Wooyoung while pushing past the crew that are working. They stop their task to look at me. I suddenly feel wary as they're the crew of the notorious pirate king, who know what they might do to me.

"This is the Orlop deck." Wooyoung says after we descend down the stairs. I follow him closely behind.

"You probably know this place, the brig."

Damn him. The gut he has to choose the brig out of all places to show me.

I throw a nastiest glare at him which makes him look satisfied at my reaction.

But he doesn't stop being an ass as he rapidly introduces the ship.

'That's the storage room, you don't have permission to go in there.'
'That's the gun deck, don't touch anything.'
And he kept saying 'Blah Blah Blah, don't do this or that.'

I swear I'm gonna report his behavior to Hongjoong.

He walks so fast that I have a hard time following.

Wait a sec. Where's he?

I'm too absorbed in cursing him inside my head and lost sight of him.

I stop dead in the track, scanning around me but there's no sign of him.

All I see are many unfamiliar pirates' faces around me. They murmur among themselves and stare at me.

"Wooyoung-ah" I shout his name and shout louder when I see they make a circle around me

Omg I start to panic. They all look intimidating. Some of them even have missing eyes or limbs.

Curse my fate. Why do I always find myself in a horrifying situation?

"WOOYOUNG-AH!!!" I shout on top of my lungs when they are striding slowly toward me.

To my relief, Wooyoung emerges from the crowd and comes standing beside me.

"Back to work!!" He shouts to his crew, making them scatter.

He's about to scold me but when he sees my terrifying expression, his eyes turn soft a bit.

"Ugh! Are you a 5-year-old child?" He grabs my wrist but is still nagging like an old man.

"I can't believe the captain made me a babysitter."

Even though he keeps annoyingly nagging me, deep down I feel grateful that he came back and helped me out of that situation. If he hates me, he can leave me there. But he didn't.

Trying to calm my racing heart, not sure if it is because the crew terrified me or the fact that Wooyoung grabs my wrist.

No stop it. My fangirling side coming out again.

Then we stop at a hall where t̶o̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶d̶i̶s̶a̶p̶p̶o̶i̶n̶t̶m̶e̶n̶t̶  he lets go of my wrist and says, "This is where the crew sleep, don't come here at night. Or...if you still want to come, you can go to my room instead." his eyes glint mischievously while sweeping his hair.

My brain stops functioning for a second trying to process the meaning.

'Did he just... flirt with me?'

I stare at him blankly then let out a laugh.

Never in a million year would I think of the mighty first mate trying to flirt with me.
This is hilarious.

Wooyoung's smug expression falters as he sees me laughing until tears come out.

"Did she goes nut?" He mumbles and turns away to leave. He's always flirting with any women but their normal reactions are to squeal, being shy or even flirt back. No one ever laughs at him.

"Aw...wait for me." I call after him, seeing his ears turn red from embarrassment. I think I must've hurt his confidence.

We finally come out on the main deck. He points toward the corridor saying that where the captain's quarter and other high rank crew cabins are. And of course he ends with "Don't snoop around."

And then he points at the upper deck where the helm is located, "That's the quarterdeck where we had a meeting in the bridge. And on top of the bridge is the Poop deck, don't go-...Why are you laughing?"

I stifle a giggle when I hear the Poop deck. It gets me every time.

"Nothing." I say while he's giving me weird looks.

Next location is the mainmast, the memory of this morning flood in my mind.
That was honestly the most terrifying event I ever have.

"I'm going to show you the crow's nest, climb after me." Wooyoung says and starting to climb on rigging.

"Dude, you gotta be kidding me. I'm not going up there." I yell at him when he tries to get me killed by falling down from the mainmast.

I turn my face upward to look at the crow's nest. It's so damn high. Just looking from the ground makes me sweat at the height.

"You're no fun." Wooyoung jumps down, a smirk plastered on his face. I see, he clearly likes teasing me.

Then he leads me to the front of the ship, "We on the forecastle, Beautiful isn't she?"

He looks back to admire the ship from the front.

"Yea," My eyes follow him. I can see that he really loves the ship.

The ship is grand and indeed beautiful. The dark wooden plank and black sails make the ship more intimidating.

We both absorb in a comfortable silence, then a familiar deep voice cut through the air.

"Mate, what's ye doin'?" 


Author's note

I want to thanks all the readers that decide to pick up my humble book. And I appreciate for all the votes and comments, those really give me motivation. 

This is actually my first long fiction. I spend a lot of time writing and plotting this book.
And English isn't my first language so sorry if there're lots of grammatical error.

But I hope you enjoy reading it.

Lots of love <333

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